A Little Note

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For anyone who has gotten this far with this really bad fanfic, chapters may now be slower to come out.

I'm going to be rewriting the Eren x Reader fanfic I had made, since the writing is terrible and so is the plot.

The new fanfic will be named "Father Figure" and yes, I plan on making it very sexual.

I will still try my best finishing up this fanfic, so don't worry. I'll be posting more chapters today.

Also beware, as I said on chapter 10.5(my numbers were really off it should've been 9.5), there will be child grooming, and I mean, like, a lot for these next few chapters.  I decided that any of the characters introduced now were too old to be child groomed, so I'll be inviting in new characters that may be children.  I'm thinking like Sasha or Connie, or any of the characters who died in the past four seasons.  So yes, there will be major spoilers including people's death.

Another thing that I'd like to address is that all the characters look like their updated design.(so season four).  The only character who hasn't changed is Eren(he still has his short hair).

Anyways, I think that's all!

Happy reading:)

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