Info abt 11/12(A/N)

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So, I've been seeing a lot of comments regarding the whole Levi's mother rolling down the steps scene(chp. 11 and 12).  (Btw I read all of your comments AND THEY ARE HILARIOUS)

A lot of you seem to be confused about the whole situation and it might seem random.  Really I was trying to foreshadow Levi's death, but I realized that I made it too hard to figure out when I was seeing the comments saying, "WHAT" and such as that.

So I'm going to explain it(just for you guys who are curious).

So obviously, Levi and Kuchel are blood related.  The lullaby Levi was talking about, and the noises Kenny was hearing:

.Start quote.

"...I saw my mom..."


"I found her at the foot of the stairs.  Someone took her casket out of the attic and rolled her down my stairs."

I felt my heart lurch.  I could sense his lingering pain.  Who would ever do such a thing?

"Kenny did it.  He took his own sister and rolled her down the stairs.  And even had the audacity to say she was making too much noise."

He lowers his head again and I could almost feel his throat tightening.  I quickly set down my food and pull him into a warm hug, letting him cry on my shoulder.  It's probably been years since he seen her, so it must've brought back his grief.

"Sometimes I would sleep in that room just to hear her hum a lullaby..."

.End quote.

The lullaby and the noises were referring to Levi "snitching" on Kenny.  As a "typical gangster", they would probably kill the snitcher and or make their life miserable.  Kenny is supposed to be representing the "typical gangster."

By rolling Kuchel down the stairs, Kenny was "silencing" her.  Usually if you roll someone down the stairs, especially the kind of stairs that I vision levis stairs to be, you would at least pass out; "silencing" you.

Basically it was Kenny telling Levi, "this will be you if you keep snitching, you rat."  And well, Levi kept snitching.  And wound up dead.

I thought I should also address the whole poor and rich situation going on here.  I like to reread my work and notice a bunch of mistakes that I'm honestly too lazy to fix, and I realized how the currency couldve looked off to the reader if they were paying attention(not saying you didn't)From Levi, Y/N, and Eren having to walk to Armin's house when there was a car present to use, Levi being extremely poor but owning a Cadillac and a "huge house."

First, you need to know that Trost in this AU is supposed to be a wealthy but dangerous place to live.  Almost like Washington D.C. or the District of Columbia or whatever you refer to the capital of the U.S.A. to be.  Levi's grandpa was wealthy.  Very wealthy.  I'm taking like, loaded.  Like, sugar daddy loaded.  Levi mentions that his car was a hand-me-down, and though it wasn't brought up, so was his house.  It belonged to Mikasa's dad, but he passed away.  It was supposed to be in possession of Mikasa, but Papa Ackerman seen that Kuchel and Levi were struggling.

I'm not sure if this is how it works in real life, but Mikasa's dad had wanted Papa Ackerman to do his little death thingy.

I cant remember the name...

Since Kuchel had died before she could own the house, Levi ended up living with Papa Ackerman in Trost, and when Papa Ackerman died, he possessed his car and moved into the house that was left for him.

What a favorite...

It's very confusing, it took me a while to write this because I was trying to think of the best way to explain it.  Also, Y/N forced Levi to give the car to Petra since he broke her heart.

And since Levi didn't work, and he was getting money for dating Petra, he was technically loaded.  Petra does live by herself in Trost, and her family owns a clothing and plant factory, speaking why she has so many plants in her house. 

In the epilogue, or the ending scene, Y/N actually ended up living in Levi's house.  Y/N kept the casket of his mother up in the attic and sometimes sets Levi up there when they are away doing shopping or something so that the two "souls" were together.

It's a whole bunch of spiritual shit.

And Y/N's dad is no longer suffering from cancer.(I'm not sure if I mentioned that in the last chapter.)

I would've made a sequel...



Again, I'm working on more Levi x readers.  Since I love stressing myself out, not only am I going to work on the Nocturnes and Ballads, but I'm going to try and finish up my Eren x reader.  I'm honestly not as motivated to do it, so the chapters are coming out REALLY LATE.

Since school will be ending in the next 10 days or so I'm probably going to be posting more and more books.

I've got TONS of future (AOT character)x readers planned.

Like a Levi x reader that's going to be fantasy based and has dragons and magic.

A Eren x reader that's going to be similar to the Levi x reader.

An Armin x reader that'll have a LOT to do with flowers, and may even be a sequel to Nocturnes and Ballads(I'll find a way to fit it in)

I'm still working on my Mikasa x reader, which is being postponed.

I'll definitely be doing a lot more AOT characters, but I just want to get these done before I start anymore since I'm really bad at time management.

Anyways, that was longer than I actually wanted it to be, speaking that people might even skip over this(don't worry I sometimes do to)


Happy reading.

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