🌻Sunshine 15🌻

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Want to say something. I'm not a sporty person and have no idea about basketball game. So writing all is my thoughts. Don't judge me😐😐😐

The whistle sounds and the ball releases into the air, smashes it over the net. Yibo partly curses on himself when he sees the opponent perfectly grabs the ball and spikes it. Spining towards the ball direction Yibo saves it in the nick of time.

Just by seeing the playing one can say, both sides are good and perfect opponent to knock it equally. Students are cheering loudly for Yibos team. So same goes to XEXEN school.




Xiao zhan is seeing the match or just only a certain person his heart wants from a far distance. He bites his nails out of tension. He is more tensed by the shouting around the whole sea shore.The heat is strong so the tension is. And arranging the match on sandy ground added more pressure . The spike seems too hard, he thinks and gulps on nervous.

It's already 17 minutes running. No party can make a score.Yibo's sharp eyes tries to catch the opponent powerful moves. Its more like they're pushing the force towards just to him. And yes, he knows they trick him, to make him mad and then the main attack. Those bastards, he curses again under his breath. And it starts again fuming.

Half match is done with 1-2 score. While Yibo's team scored only 1.Now a short break they are taking. Two teams suppoters are cheering them. Xiao Zhan sees all from there but not moves a walk. He fears if Yibos team will defeate. He is just praying still other half is remaining. Hell win.. he'll win.

Yibo is too calm even in this tensed situation.It's not like their team isn't best but opponent team isn't bad either. The coach discusse with the players, ploting the next strategy. The whistle again sounds, about to resume the rest match. Now they are finally down to the the last math. Please let get them that one score .

Yibo's team tries hard and soul to get another score and prevent other from adding more. But it is clearly given that the final match won't be a easy breeze soince both teams had given their all down to this last match.


"Yibo, you okay, your knee?, Hao Xuan asks Yibo when referee pauses with another whistle. "I'm okay. They're seriously want it roughly", Yibo hands resting on his knees to balance. "But are you sure you can?", Yibo nods firmly. "Xuan you aim the line and Vicky and Hunang you both try to help Xuan as much as you can. I'm their main target so let confuse them first .And Xuan then you know what should you do,right? Yibo instructs them even when Vicky is the captain here. But now winning is the main goal. So they join hands together.

Again two team get into positions and opponent teams captain realizes the Ace is no longer standing in front but the back with two player. What's their planning, he think. Oh no, they swap roles to panic us. Shit. Now its late to rearrange their position.

5 minutes left. Yibo's team catches up with another score. Now its tie 2-2 and tension is high into thin air. Xiao Zhan holds his breathe .His heart is beating hardly not like for those times but for tension. Even girls like Ziyi becomes silent. The cheering is getting loudly but tension is hanging on there voice.

On last one minute and thirty-two seconds , Opponent team sets the ball towards their ace and Yibo snatches proudly out of his nose. He runs knows it's the last chance. If not now then never. XUANNN .....MOVE.... ,Yibo shouts. For a moment all get shock. They thought Yibo will pass the ball to Xuan since they swaped in last match and Yibo plays Ace to normal player. But here senery turns table.

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