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3rd person POV

Xiao Zhan is on the phone with his nagging best friend Ziyi who is trying  her best to puke the truth from Zhan's mouth. It's because they're on spring vacation so she missed the things to hear out on time.

"Then what Zhan...what happened after he cooked for you? Did he feed you with his hand? Forget that what about after that..Tell me tell me", He can sense how excited Ziyi is to hear his love story.

"U-umm yeah..he feed me then i cried..Nonono.....not for that. I cried bcoz i got carried away . After that we talked then..talked...u-umm talked...", he tries to find out the right word to describe what happened after that.

"Then he made you melted, that's  you are gonna say right?, she tells him.

"Yeah..but this t-time  umm..."

"DON'T TRY TO ESCAPE THIS TIME. I WON'T SPARE YOU . TELLLLL ME in DETAILS", Ziyi screams her lungs out ,makes Xiao Zhan flinch.

"B-but how Ziyi..i mean....

"Oh ho Zhan we all know the process .Just speak out. You took off your clothes then laid on the bed ...hey, did he do some kinky things on you?", she teases.

Xiao Zhan feel blood rushing to his cheeks through the vein upto his toes as they're curling already. "N-no. He was so g-gentle to me"

"Woah really. Tell me then", she says excitedly. And that moment Xiao Zhan starts wondering why everyone is so curious about his sex life. 

"U-umm then we k-issed ...and  he touched me."


"He kissed me again..."

"Then what happened?", Ziyi sounds desperate.

"Uhh,, then i kissed him again.."

"FUCK", the girls curses loudly. "There's not going any help. Where is Yibo. Give him the phone", Ziyi says frustratedly.

"Y-yehh..Nooo..Please don't .It'll be more embrassing to me", he panics if in this moment Yibo really enters and catches him on spot.

"I gave you chance . You failed .Now get me to him.Quick"

"N-noo. Y-ibo..Yibo isn't home. He goes out with Cheng ge. yes he isn't here", Xiao zhan pants on telling the lie when Yibo is exactly on downstair.

"Srrghhh. You guys are really...

"Sunshine , what're you doing?"

Xiao Zhan practically jumps on hearing the voice. He can hear Ziyi's ragging voice.

 "You betrayer".....He cuts the call in shock. "N-nothing. Just talking with Ziyi". Yibo jumps on the bed and puts his head on Xiao Zhan's lap. "I thought i caught you on doing something dirty", Yibo winks.

"W-what..are you saying?", Xiao Zhan menatally battles wheather he should feel shy or cry right now. "We're just talking". But Yibo's phone ringtone breaks his thought.

"Your bestie call me", Yibo shows him the phone screen. Xiao Zhan's mouth gaps in shock , before he could stop Yibo the phone is taken already. 

Unless I'm with You  ❤[ YIZHAN Love Story]❤Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant