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Xiao Zhan's POV

As we had come back home as silently as possible,now i'm reading a book not actually reading just looking and flipping over the pages.Yibo is slumbing over his textbook ,trying hard. Of course it's a rare sight. Yibo never ever studied during his stay here and I doubt if he ever did even if he was alone.

There is a knock on my door. Cheng ge peeks on the door. "Yibo? What're you doing?",he asks gently. If i'm not wrong I find myself in shock. Cheng ge talks to Yibo gently. It's the another rare sight. But then again I guess ge was also clueless seeing Yibo is reading so seriously for the first time.

"I'm studying ge. I've got to cram in some staffs",he replies not sounding rude.

"Oh! We've some errands to deliver but since you're studying....",ge searches words how to ask Yibo.

"I can go", I cut him and the heavy atmosphere too.

I guess it would be more better if I don't bother him now.









When I come back from delivery it's already past 9 but I couldn't find Yibo in house. Lu jie tells me he went outside at evening . So I wash up myself first . I find Yibo at family dining with our plain three or four dishes. We're not talking but at least he's sitting beside me. Now our regular routine, we'll have at least one plain spiceless dish in our every meal for Yibo as he can't bear the spiceness.

But he is the spice one himself.

"Beauty jie, leave it. I'll do the dishes". Yibo tells jie and Cheng ge teases him. Feel good they're getting along slowly and goodly. "Zhanzhan ,you go upstair and take rest. we can manage down here",she sends me off .As I walking away ,I could hear the laughter. Soemhow I envy them right now.

I roll over the bed right to left then again right , sometimes flat on back or just buring the face on his fluffy pillow. Sleep doesn't visit me yet. I hurriedly shut the eyes closed when I hear the crack sound at my old wooden door . I could feel someone is walking to the bed . I stay on back facing the other side when Yibo climbs on the bed beside to me. But he's not lying any soon.

As much i'm curious why he's still sitting position, I manage to close my eyes and pretending to sleep. Suddenly I feel warm on my back and a very familiar calloused hand touch my lower waist.

"I know you're not sleeping,sunshine",he whispers near to my right ear.

As usual i'm a bad actor. And how did he know i'm sensitive when he whispers on my ear?

"You can deny but your body can't ,baby". I give up. So I turn only find him holding a smrik on his lips corner. "You'll dim the light if you were really sleeping", he reasons out before I could say anything again to argue. And here i'm the real dumb one.He is damn right.. He laughs at my clueless expression. "You're really cute",he pinches my nosetip ."I'm not", rub the place he touches. And soon enough, i'm already on his arms like the other night. I totally forgot what the misery and insecurities I had at daytime and my all doubts are gone . I feel so safe with him.

"I went to convenience store to get something", Yibo starts and streches his duffle bag to shuffle something from there.

"E-eh? Ahh ..w-what did you buy?"

Unless I'm with You  ❤[ YIZHAN Love Story]❤Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu