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Yibo is busy on his basketball practicing. He barely had time to take a break these days. He is playing at the next ground of where P.E class is taking. In America he was playing at the lead position in his team and in here as he is a new student he'll playing as Ace member because he is too good at basketball.

They take 10 minutes break after  one and half hours long practicing. Yibo sips water from his bottle. Hao Xuan does same as Yibo, sits side to side.

I want to see how'll he stay stand.

Don't you know coach gives him extra chance just for he comes from white country.

Bloody jerk. Hold attitude right. Let's wait.

Yibo hears all the gossips around him which is all about him in a bad way. But he gives it a least care. No one know better than him that living in foreign  country Won't  bring you extra benefits like they think.

For him my girlfriend breaks up with me. I'll smash his face in next round. One boys says angrily.

Yibo shakes his head and laughs on his mind. They get him wrong. He never snatchs girl but in opposite way girls are chasing after him just to get laid.

"Hey i heard, he talks with nerdy girly boy. I doubt his taste. Yuckkk", another boy sneers up.

'You mean Xiao Zhan who is all-time pretending shy and blush! Hahahaha".

Yibo's tighten his grips around the half filled water bottle. His anger is rising.

" I guess he just finds him easy. You know Xiao Zhan is a girl in boy body", all joins in a loud laughter.

Yibo can't take it anymore. He jerks up his body and kicks the half filled water bottle to the one boy in saying group."Don't speak bad at him", Yibo growls.

The hitting boy grabs the place where bottle hits him. "Why did he suck you so good that you can't hear bad words about him?", one boy mocks.

" I say stop your fucking mouth", Yibo shouts.

"Hey transfee, share him with us after you get bore. We'll taste too how much good he is", two boys high five.

Yibo doesn’t let them say fully. He punches the saying boy hardly. " I said stop your dirty mouth", Yibo gives another hard punch.

"You bastard, you punch me!", the saying boy holda his jaw checking bloods ate oozing from his lips corner.

Soon then a fight starts. As in their next ground P.E class was taken, they immediately run there after getting fighting news. Hao Xuan tries to snap out Yibo's body from the top of boy's body. But to Yibo's angry strength his is nothing.

Xiao Zhan runs to the ground, his mouth gasp seeing Yibo punching the boy really hardly. By the punch he can say it hurts a lot. And Yibo is nowhere to end. He can't understand what to do. But then he knows if Yibo doesn't stop by now, he'll get into a real trouble.

Battling with inner thought,  Xiao Zhan runs to Yibo, shaking his shoulder to stop. But Yibo is mad, anger fully takes over his brain. Xiao Zhan voice doesn’t enter on his ear. " Yibo, please leave him. Please let him go", Xiao Zhan pulls his left hand.

Yibo slaps his hand roughly not checking who was the person pulling his hand.

"Ahhhhhh", Xiao Zhan is thrown to the hard ground. Yibo's punch stops middle in the air. He snaps his head towards groaning sound.

" Oh shit"

Yibo's POV:
I was excited about our next tournament with "XEXEN HiGH SCHOOL". And i must say coach is impressed to my playing. We're on a 10 minutes break. Me and Hao Xuan  were drinking water. Nowadays i can't attend P.E class  with Other class too. I barely had time in school period. So i can't see my sunshine that much in school . P.E class is taking to our next ground still i can't see him properly.

Suddenly i heard some boys or gangs says words about me. I Just shake my head. Maximum are like these. Thinking teacher gives me extra care because i come from America. How lame, i chuckle. But my hand tightens my water bottle suddenly.

I guess he just finds him easy. You know Xiao Zhan is a girl in boy body", all joins in a loud laughter.

I can't take it anymore. I jerks up my body and kicks the half filled water bottle to the one boy in saying group."Don't speak bad at him", i growls on anger. Same as my eyes are burning on anger.

The hitting boy grabs the place where bottle hits him. "Why did he suck you so good that you can't hear bad words about him?", one boy mocks.

" I say stop your fucking mouth", i shout loudly. They were taken back slightly.

"Hey transfee, share him with us after you get bore. We'll taste too how much good he is", two boys high five.

" You asshole ", i.don't know what gotten into me. The next thing i know one of the boy was lying underneath me receiving my hard punch here and there all over his face.

I didn’t stop or i can't. After punching him so much i still can't let him go. How dare he said dirty things about my sunshine. My sunshine who is pure like a newborn baby. Who is an Angel in human body . Who can't say a word looking at your eyes. Who is a kinded man to help people without any thought.  How dare they. I punch once more hardly than before.

Some students were trying to pull off from the boy's lying body.But no my anger stillnon there burning my heart. Two hands pulled me to stop and i was so annoyed, blinded by my anger, i slapped his hands.

" Ahhhhh", a groaning whimpers stops my hand to produce next punch. I turned my head by my side. "Oh shit, my sunshine "

I get off the boy's body and quickly run to Sunshine weak body. "Sunshine,  sorry I'm sorry. Get up ", i touch his body and he flinches.  He flinches at my touch! Did i scare him this much? "

Hold my hand, here put your energy on my shoulder", i tell him to hold myself as my touch makes him shake.

My sunshine is now much better but still flinching time to time. His right hands elbows gets a scratch and i must say it makes a ugly scar on his angelic fair skin. "Sunshine,  i really sorry. I didn’t know it was you. I thought Hao Xuan was the one pulling me", Yibo says him out of guilt.

" I-it's ok-ay. I'm fine", Sunshine bites his lips.

God he looks like he is in pain and bitting his lips over shuttering words. Damn cute. God this boy will be a death to me.

"Sunshine, wait for me after class. I'll send you off home today", i tell him. " You d-don't have to. I'll fine", again he makes cute shuttering.

"You don't want me to do", i fakely pout at him. " W-what no i-i mean i  l-love to but..", he lowers his face. This time i guess he is  blushing hard because his eartips are darken red.

What Should i do with this cute boy? 😐

"Wait for me and don't blush too hard ", i whisper before i leave for changing my basketball uniform.

If he was red before then he is a ripe strawberry now🍓🍓🍓

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