🌻Sunshine -04🌻

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*Ring *Ring *Ring ( Yibo impatiently puts the phone near to his ear)

"What?", the receiver speaks up.
" Ao, i find him", Yibo screams on excitement through the line. Aoyue puts a little far distance from her ear. "Shut up, Bro. Urghhh my ear. You find whom and why are you calling so early, stupid bro?", She groans on irritantion.

"I find my sunshine", Yibo says. Aoyue jolts up from her lying position. " You said you find your candy boy!", she over checks with her question. Yibo nods his head even though his little sister can't see him.

Aoyou, Yibo's 13 years little sister stays silent for a moment. Despite being 6 years younger than Yibo, she chooses the right words when it comes to a certain "Candy boy"

"Bo bro, did he recognise you? You tell him who are you? Hey, tell me details", Aoyue changes the mood knowing his brother is sensitive on this matter.

Then Yibo tells his sister details from the beginning including last day canteen moment when Yibo didn’t spare a thought about a boy but at the end he founds him cute.

" Wait, you already ate with him at a same table, found  him cute but didn’t recognise him!"

"No, i didn’t expect this way and you know i don't care ", Yibo tells her his reasons. " Head to toe dumbmass", Aoyue curses his brother . "Oi, Why are you cursing me?", Yibo asks. " You couldn't recognise him, then didn’t tell him who are you so what you are!  An VIP brain ! "

They talk another 20 minutes.  Laughing,  bickering, shouting are normal when their call connects every single time. "Ao, i miss you and mamma", Yibo suddenly says in between their bickering. " Ewww *cringe,  shu shuuu, your words make me vomit. You already disturb my beauty sleep now your cringe words. I can't digest", she sounds like puking. "Okay,  I'm hanging then, goodnight ", Yibo sadly says. He is about to cut the line then his sis stops him.

" Hey Bo bro, Don't be slow
Show your action. And mamma misses you too but i don't. Bye", Aoyue cuts the call without any delaying. Yibo smiles looking at his phone. Throw his phone on the bed, he lying on his single bed facing his hand holding two rabbit candy. He admires those cadies quite sometime.

"Till now i was admiring you in my memories. Finally i find you sunshine "

This night Yibo didn’t sleep 😑😑

"Zhanzhan, you secretly made those candy for him",  Xuan Lu asks her brother. " No Jie. I didn’t", Xiao Zhan panickly answers. " It was from mine that i gave him", he bites his lower lip in embarrassment.
Xuan Lu pats his hairs  softly.
"You are my soft Zhanzhan. You gave him what is yours!". " But he came everyday and he was
s-sad when you said no to him", Xiao Zhan slowly says. Xuan Lu smiles at her brother kindness. "But wasn’t he kinda weird earlier ", she added.

" I d-don't Know", Xiao Zhan stammers nervously. "Ok Zhan, close the shop and take rest ", Xuan Lu goes to upstairs.

Next morning at School...
Xiao Zhan is battling inwardly whether will he tell his friends about yesterday Yibo buying candy from their shop and ran out weirdly or not? Will they tease him more or mock at him?
Ziyi being Ziyi senses Xiao Zhan's hesitation. " Oy, spill out.It'll indigest your mind", she knocks Xiao Zhan. The trio are sitting on the classroom waiting for their next class. "Umm Won't you laugh at me?", Xiao Zhan asks them with a questionable eyes.

" First say then Will think", Jiyang puts  his hand over Xiao Zhan's Shoulder. "Y-yibo came yesterday at our s-shop", Xiao Zhan sprouts out.

" Yibo whattttt!,, Ziyi screams standing  on her feet, gaining the whole classroom attention. Xiao Zhan feels embarrassment. Why his friends are always like these? "Ziyi,  please sit down. Don't please ", he eye pleads.  Ziyi somehow manage to calm down. She pulls Xiao Zhan's hand and drags him out of classroom along with Curious Jiyang. She drags him to the balcony. " Now spill the whole scene".

By the end of story Xiao Zhan becomes red as strawberry. Because Ziyi teases him for hit a jackpot to gain Yibo's attention where he constantly reminds  them that Yibo is just his mere crush nothing more than it. But he can't stop himself from blushing. Everytime  he hears Yibo's name, his cheeks goes on fire. "Bell rings, Let's go to classroom ", Jiyang   knocks his crazy female friend.

The  trio come back their classroom finding everyone in their classroom empties the classroom in a hurry. " Hey, Where are everyone going?", Ziyi asks one of their classmate. "Literature class gets switch on with P.E class, everyone informs to gather in playground ", the classmate repiles. " Jiyang,  Xiao Zhan, Let's go"

In playground

"Okay, all three Departments are present  here?", their
P.E teacher shouts through the mike. Everyone screams on agree. " Your literature teacher is sick, he takes leave for a week. So in this week Art department, you'll join P.E  class. Now warm up your body, do 5 laps", the P.E teacher whistles.

Ziyi kneels down to tie her shoelace. "Xiao Zhan, fix your shoelace and try to run". Xiao Zhan sweats nervously. He isn’t a sporty person ,secondly he is not good at P.E classroom and thirdly his crush is present here. What if he'll make himself funny and his crush will witness the funny scene. But luck isn’t on his side today.

Helplessly Xiao Zhan starts running slowly. He is far behind from his team. His body is running but mind is roaming on thought "Yibo is seeing me"..

" You the slow one, run fast or you’ll do another 5 laps", teacher warns Xiao Zhan. Hearing another 5 laps Xiao Zhan panics. He speeds up but mistakenly he loses his track. And in result,  his head meets a hard cold metal bar earning a loud laughter.

Xiao Zhan lays on the groud holding his forhead where he gets hit with a metal pole. The students surrounding him laughs loudly at his slilly act. Ziyi and Jiyang runs towards him, helping him stand up. Xiao Zhan embarrassighly lowers his head. When he loses his track, he didn’t notice it. Because on the opposite direction Yibo's line was coming and his own.mind was occupied there.

Ziyi gives  him a ice back to put on his swollen forehead. It looks a potato pops up at his face. Suddenly his eyes meet with him.

Yibo looks at him. Yibo saw him getting hit by a pole. How stupid! He'll laugh at him. Shame Xiao Zhan, your crush will mock at you. But what Xiao Zhan gets in surprises him more.

Yibo gives him a smile..

Yibo smiles at him tenderly...

"H-he smiles at m-me"

My exam got canceled. In celebration, i decide to update tonight😄😄

Author eats swear to make Aoyue Yibo's official sister. One day she'll success. I promise you😃

See you soon. Do vote and comment. Love you😘😘😘

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