🌻Sunshine 32🌻

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Aoyue jolts upon  from her sleeping hearing something breaking sound. She runs out quickly towards Yibo's room where's from the sound come .

"BO!!!". Aoyue closes her mouth in shock seeing the red color dripping from her brother knuckles . The mirror on his washroom is broken now.

Yibo is crying....

"Bo bro, what happens? Please , clam down. Come here", she drags Yibo's numb body to the bedroom. "Wait here , i'm coming", she runs out again and comes back fastly with a first aid box.

Yibo isn't crying loudly but tears are pooling down his cheeks painfully. "I'll hear everything but let me clean the mess first", she starts cleaning Yibo's cut , jabbing the alchohol pad onto the deep cut. She is utterly shocked seeing Yibo isn't flinching a  bit. 

How much did you hurt your heart , bro?. Aoyue glances at her brother.

She wraps the cotton bandage around Yibo's hand and carefully put back on his lap. She sighs.

"Bro, care to share with me! Why're you like this? Mom will worried if she know that". Once again Yibo breaks down into tears. He lowers his head and letting the tears shed . Aoyue's heart clench, she never had seen her strong brother in  vulnerable state.

"I hurt him Ao. I killed him 4 years ago", Yibo cries out with loud sob. "My sunshine isn't smiling anymore like before. Ao, his eyes are dead now. And the reason is me", he tries to slam his wounded hand again but Aoyue holds him fast.

"Ain't i a murderer, Ao ? I killed the person i love most",he says pathetically. Aoyue hugs Yibo and pats his back. 

"Calm down bro, calm down . You're not bad. Please bro .Don't cry", she doesn't notice she is crying too with her brother . Yibo holds Aoyue likes a baby holds his mother, he sobs, cries while saying those painful words.

"H-he hates me now. His eyes doesn't sparkle looking at me. How can i do this to him, Ao? He loved me , trusted me more than himself...b-but i ....what did i do to him? Only hurt him, killed him, snatched his happiness, broken his heart. I should die"

"But you did it for saving your friend. If you didn't accept dad'd offer then your friend won't alive today. It's not your fault bro. You're the victim too. And Zhan bro doesn't hate you. i can swear on it" she comfortly strokes Yibo's hairs , tries to calm him down. 

"I still love him. I can't see him sad", Yibo whispers .

"Then why don't you tell him everything the truth? He deserves to know that too.".Yibo shakes his head in disagree. 

"He is moving on .I don't want to wreck him again. You know dad's condition before he let me come here ", he reasons out.

"Bo , why can't you fight for your love? Dad doesn't know that you love Xiao zhan that's why he sets up your arrange  marriage. Do you want me to talk with him?", Yibo again shakes his head. "He  won't understand .He never will understand my feelings". Yibo says with harted.

"You son and father , both are stubborn .No one will break ", Aoyue sighs frustratedly.

"Try to winning your love again ,Bo", this time the girl's voice is serious. "The love of you for Xiao zhan isn't a choice but you both fall in  effortlessly. Can't you see how lonely his eyes look everytime , you look at him? May be i don't know Xiao  Zhan enough to say all these but bro i saw you. I witness how devasted you're all those 4 years and struggled inwardly. Be selfish , let yourself be happy for once and win him back. I bet he still loves you".

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