🌻Sunshine 02🌻

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"Hey lover boy, Are you done gawking your crush?", a girl named Meng Ziyi elbows Xiao Zhan hand. Xiao Zhan stops blushing hearing the female voice. He composes himself or at least he tries from not blushing in front his friends. He was too much immerse on looking at Yibo that he didn’t sense when his two friends neard to him and caught him red handed again. *Sigh...

Meng Ziyi and Song Jiyang, Xiao Zhan's only friend in his whole 19 years of life. He had no friends before for his..

Feminine body structure and....

Nerdy shy look😟

Yes Xiao Zhan is too beautiful and pretty to be a boy. That's why nobody wants to be his  friend. In middle school he did had one or two friend but in the end they were all same.

Mocked at him, bullied him for being so fragile. And who is the girl want to be friend  with a boy like him having girly feature. But in high school he indeed faced something like that at the beginning but eventually he made two caring friends.

Meng Ziyi approached him when he was trembling  before his senior at canteen on their 1st year. Those senior bullied him for sitting on their seat mistakenly and that's the time Meng Ziyi stood for him and save him. Though Song Jiyang didn’t do much because one Ziyi is enough. But they became friends within less than a hour. Xiao Zhan felt overwhelmed because for the first time in his life he was accepted by his all unusual  orientation. In fact Meng Ziyi was the one who figured out Xiao Zhan has a crush on that certain basketball player. And they still love him even though he is gay.....

They are walking together to their classroom. Ziyi still teases him about Yibo. "So did you capture  enough for two days?"
"W-what capture", Xiao Zhan blushs once more. " Oh ho Zhan, don't blush on every words. You are a boy for god sake. Oh okay where was i, yeah did he see you or wink? ", she elbows him.

" Ziyi, he is not like that and he didn’t notice m-me", Xiao Zhan softly says. "Huh, already defend your boyfriend ", she smriks.
" What b-boy-friend", Xiao Zhan gulps nervously. Yibo is not his boyfriend, he secretly holds his crush on him. But boyfriend word effects him a lot. His face sheds a tink pink colour. "Oi don't fight again over your secret crush or teacher will think we bully you. See your face, you look like strawberry ", Jiyang shows him his phone's front camera. Xiao Zhan quckily plams his cheeks, it’s soo hot.

" Let's go inside ", Ziyi and Jiyang laugh their stomach out.

Yibo moves back in this city 12 days ago and got himself admitted in this school. Despite being newcomer, he is quite popular already specially among girls students. And his specialty on basketball gives him extra card. He never thought he'll come back here again once he desperate to leave. But it does happened and he is on his feet in China. Thanks to mamma😘

Yibo trolls  around his neighbourhood. He lives here in a small rented room which is only  one room attached with a mini kitchen and bathroom. Being the first heir of Wang family anyone could guess what rubbish are you blabbering. But that's the bitter truth. Yibo's father senior Wang never agreed with  Yibo on coming back and continue his study here. He always fulfiled his adamant son's demands and that's the reason they are now living on America then what's now Yibo planing. Whatever it is he didn’t agree. But Mrs. Wang Yibo's stepmother found a way,  helped him to do what he wants.  She supported her stepson on going against his stubborn husband. Yibo is more than  enough grateful to his stepmother.  12 years ago when he  left china never thought he could have a mother like her who treats him like her own son,  pampers him more than her own daughter. Yibo is blessed to have her as his mom. Sometimes he thought maybe God isn’t cruel at all.

His new life isn’t much bothersome except one issue.....

His father only allowed him to come China on one condition. Yibo has to survive by his own. He blocks his all credit and debit card, deny to help him. In result son proves to be more persistent than father. Yibo delightly accepted it. His mother shoved him enough money to live a handful life in China but Yibo is going to be  a man soon after all and his ego hurt when his father blocked his all cards. So he finds one waiter job to keep his pride high. He works at evening shift.

He is passing the  narrow alley. As it's already early noon, childrens are playing or roaming around. His eyes locks into a small door. It’s a sweet shop. He isn't into sweet things except one specific sweet item. In America, he tasted all the chinese sweet shop just for feeling the same taste. But no shop had it.

Yibo moves his step towards the door. He pushes the glass door, a wind chime echos the room alters the owner that he has a guest.

"What do you want, dear?", a sweet female tone asks Yibo. He doesn’t know why he enters in this door for the first place. Then guess may be his heart still is still searching the specific taste. His eyes trails on the counter where all different types of sweets are displayed. He is about to say no thanks, I'm not a sweet eating person then his eyes sparks on seeing  his only favourite sweet.

" White rabbit candy"

"I like to try this one. Give me two", he points white rabbit candy. The female smiles ehen she gives Yibo the rabbit candy. Mostly children loves to eat this candy. But there a grown boy wants to eat it with a glowing face makes her smile. It's really their shop's lucky charm. " Here please".

After paying, Yibo takes one candy on his mouth. As soon as the candy melts on his warm carven, Yibo's eyes grows big like he just sees a ghost. He is still on the shop door. He quckily walks to the counter where he finds the female again. "Who is the owner in this shop?", he asks desperately.

Hello👋👋 I know i took a long time to update.  Actually i was supposed to update night before yesterday. I wrote half portion then watched Yibo 's Vogue flim ( Woahhhhhh Bo😍😍😍),  then
" The Wolf" Zhan Zhan what was that? Ahhhhhhhhhh😮😮😮
I was too much shocked getting it on so sudden. Then guess what.....  I lost the track on my story. Come on, after seeing the Wolf clip, how could it possible to write Sweet, cute ZhanZhan.  I did lost a big time really. Whatever enough talking, I'm really happy for Xiao Zhan,  finally his works are resuming and airing. Yayyyyy😍😍😍

See you soon. Do vote & comment. Love you😘😘

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