🌻Sunshine 28🌻

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Seasons are symbol of changing , giving us visible prove that in this world everything has to be changed......Time changes, flower blooms, people changes too without any mercy.

Everything has a passion to live but it stops growing until a rock block our heart and mind.

Xiao Zhan as a cheerful person used to love spring. In the past spring used to his favourite  season.He thought this time every souls reborn with triple strength and beautiful from the past just like his life had bloomed 6 years ago when Yibo re-entered his life. 

But now he doesn't like springs. He dislikes spring the most but doesn't hate it. Because he never does hate anything or anyone in his life. Every year comes around the nature Xiao Zhan can feel it, his inside turns bitter and numb in the same period on every year. 

He had fallen in love  with at spring  .

In the same season his love left him, made him nothing but a loner.

It's been six long years , that night Yibo really left him. Like from that day Xiao Zhan's heart had stopped beating hard probably  died  when he heard Yibo left China too.

He has been numb since that day, a big empty hole inside his heart, no warmth even on summer he feels so cold like frozen.

His family , friends along with Yibo's friend all were with him when he was at the edge of his life. Everyone were so worried about him that he had  decided to hide with a facade, tried to convince them that he was okay , had moved on or at least tried his best. Which is why after some period eventually they were relieved and had left him alone. Nobody could catch his act so Xiao Zhan assumed he might be a good actor. Well one person actually never left his side. His Cheng ge. As if his brother really kept his promise which he had made once to Yibo. 

Sometimes Xiao Zhan wonders just how deeply Yibo gets along with his life .

"Zhan ge , can you get the order on table no 21?", a loud voice comes out from behind the   desk. 

"Sure , Shen", Xiao Zhan walks to the table he was told  and politely asks their order and notes on his mini notepad. "Thank you sir. Please wait for a moment . I'll bring your order soon", he leaves with a bow.

Another hectic day for Xiao Zhan. In those six years which didn't change a bit is his devotion to work , to his shop. After Xuan Lu's marriage both brother took the responsibility of their family shop. In past two years , they managed to expand it bigger , not much bigger but bigger than before just what was their mother dream about this shop. 

Cheng is out of city for  businesses so Xiao Zhan is on the main charge today. They keep 3-4 staffs as their rushes are increasing day by day. 

"Here, take it", he gives two white rabbit candy to a little girl. Little girls blinks twice before taking the candy from his hand with a smile. 

"You're so cute and kind. Can i hug you?", Xiao Zhan returns her smile with open arms. It's still the everyone thing he is cute and beautiful.

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