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"Who is the owner in this shop?",Yibo's awakward question mixing with his desperate look makes Xuan Lu taken aback for a minute. She softly answer the boy, " it’s our shop. My mom opened it but now we 3 siblings are running it". She herself doesn’t know why she told him whole shop history but the boy seems harmless and desperate. On this answer fuses Yibo's sparks on his tone. He pulls back his hands from the counter. After some thinking he again asks,

"Can i buy all those candy?"
Xuan Lu smiles fondly at him.

So th next day next, next another next day, the whole weak Yibo's feet finds it’s way on "Mooncake sweet shop". The whole week Xuan Lu  amusingly gave the boy his favourite candy only  Zhou Cheng thought he is a crazy one to eat candy like a baby😑 Despite Yibo visited last whole week, Xiao Zhan didn’t meet with him once. Not even on the weekend, because on last weekend he was with Jiyang and Ziyi. Xuan Lu told him about silly buyer but he smiled finding it cute.

" Cheng, Zhan, you remember nah tomorrow we have a big order to place?", Xuan lu looks at her two brothers. Both are nodded in a sync. "Yes jie, I won't go to school tomorrow and lend you a hand ", Xiao Zhan says to her. " No ZhanZhan, you don't have to skip school, besides Cheng Will be there with me. You just come back on time and delivers with Cheng", Zhou Cheng hums on agree with her.
"But  i want to help you both, Jie", Xiao Zhan pouts. " Then I'll wake up early next and do something for you. Will it be okay? ", he innocently turns his head to Xuan Lu to Cheng then again Xuan Lu. Cheng sighs while nodding his head. " Just don't make your rabbit candy tomorrow then it'll be okay for you". Xuan lu pats Xiao Zhan head. "Sleep now dear. Tomorrow will be a long day"

Xiao Zhan climbs on his bed which is next to Cheng's one.This house accommodates two rooms only where down floor is for there shop purpose. So nothing have to do both brothers share the same room but different bed.

Xiao Zhan takes a glance from his elder brother bed, he is already sleeping. But Xiao Zhan can't visit his Slumber yet. His mind occupies on something else. Reminding today's break time at school,  his face shows a shade of pink colour. Today Yibo was eating on next to his table...

Xiao Zhan,  Jiyang and Ziyi, the trio sat on the corner side table with three different types of foods. Xiao Zhan had  spicy noodles, Jiyang with his hamburger and beauty Ziyi  well sadly she was on her diet. So she pull out her box consisting with homemade salad. Jiyang was teasing Ziyi who was gawking his food but couldn’t take a little bite. Xiao Zhan smiled at his silly friends. Suddenly his body got froze. The fork stopped twirling on the noddles. He nervously looked at the laughter direction, he is coming in this way. Ziyi was the first one saw Xiao Zhan sudden changing behaviour, then she also looked at the way. She immediately elbowed Jiyang and giggled mischievously.

"If you don't mind, can we sit here?", a boy whose name is Hao Xuan asked the trio. Ziyi and Jiyang exchanged a glance,  Xiao Zhan only heaving nervously.
" Sorry if we disturb your time, actually there isn’t any empty table and Your table still have three empty seat. So....

"Sure sure, enjoy your break", Ziyi scopes on excitement,  makes Xiao Zhan more nervous. Little did he also knows devil Ziyi deliberately did it.

The rest break time was miserable to Xiao Zhan.  He couldn’t eat properly and his two friends didn’t miss a chance to make it even. Other two were chatted, ate totally unbrothered by surroundings. Xiao Zhan got to know his secret crush doesn’t like sweet things when his friend offered him a  pudding cake. It made him sad.


He doesn’t know though.

After finishing the foods, Yibo and Hao Xuan left the table with a bow.  Someone cold like Yibo could bow on thanking them, it was unexpected. But he did it sincerely.

Finally Xiao Zhan released his breath which he hold the whole time. " Oi lover boy, eating his face won't fill your stomach. Eat the cold socky noodles ", Jiyang told  him.

" Wasn’t he look more hot on closely? ", Ziyi started her antics. Xiao Zhan knew where is it going. " He was damn sexy on his hairs back style and when he took bite on his sandwich, ummmmm woahhh ". Xiao Zhan bit his lower lip to show his expression. But inside his heart was drumming with a hammer. Coz what Ziyi told his at teasingly is so true and hearing it again makes  his face warm. " Xiao Zhan,  your boyfriend is too much hot", Ziyi winked at him.

"He isn’t m-my b-boyfriend", he became a red strawberry.

Xiao Zhan suddenly feels his room temperature goes high. The canteen incident made him blush incredibly. After some time he gets himself back and decides to sleep. But another thing pops up at his mind. " I can't able to make rabbit candy tomorrow.  Will he come?  If yes, then he'll left without my candy", he mumbles on himself before finally closes his eyes.

As Cheng told him last night, Xiao Zhan wakes up very early morning but didn’t make  candy today.  He helps his jie and gege before going to school. Coming back from school, he was supposed to go with  Cheng fir delivery. But Zhou Cheng suggested him to stay with thrir Jie. It was a long and tring day and everyone is exhausted.  So Xiao Zhan halts back to Xuan Lu.

"Zhanzhan,  you change upstairs then eat something first", Xuan Lu tells her baby brot.Xiao Zhan goes to his room upstairs. He took 18 minutes to climb down again. " Jiejie, You sit here. I'll handle the kitchen ", he makes Xuan Lu sits on a chair,  he knows his jie is so tried still Won't say a word. Then he goes inside the Kitchen.

Yibo hurries his legs. He has only 26 minutes to join his part-time job and today he is late to buy his candy. He was battling should he first finish his part time then visit the Mooncake shop. But if they'll close by the time, i finish my part-time. And he can't take the risk or perhaps

He doesn’t want to take the risk.

" Jie, give me rabbit candy ", Yibo quckily pulls out his wallet from back pocket.

" Sorry dear, we don't have rabbit candy today", Xuan Lu replies him with an apologistic eyes.

"How Jie, you know i buy it everyday,  then why you sold all?", Yibo feels  annoyed. Firstly he is late today, secondly he takes risk on his job to cone here fir his candy and here what he gets, nothing.

" Umm no no no, i didn’t sell them. Actually my brother couldn’t make them  today. That's why you Couldn't have  them. Sorry, but you can buy them tomorrow again", Xuan Lu tries to calm down the frustrated  lost baby  before him. Yibo sighs...

Xiao Zhan heard the whole conversation from inside the kitchen. His body stiffend on hearing the voice. He can't mistake this voics.But how and why he'll be here. Besides he doesn’t like sweet things. And outside the boy is  nagging over a candy. He shurgs away his dilemma when he guesses the conversation stops and maybe the boy will leave sion. He doesn’t want him to leave with a sad heart. He shoves his hand on his apron pocket, he smiles feeling the wrap inside there. He grabbed  two candy from his room when he changed upstairs. He doesn’t know why did he do that but somehow he knew this boy will come. So he took two with him.

Xiao Zhan comes out from the kitchen. He runs jiftly and stands on the counter.  His eyes grows on horror.

It’s him...

Really him...

Wang Yibo....

But there is no turn back. Xiao Zhan sweats on nervous. He slowly pulls out two candy from his apron pocket and extends his hand to Yibo..

"H-here. Yo-ur c-candy. P-please", he stammers yet smiles sweetly. Yibo looks at the sweet boy,  to his lips Where an angelic smile plasters.

Yibo's heart thumps. He finds him. Those smile, candy, same memory and his mole under his bottom lip. His sunshine.  Yibo says loud it out..


Hellooo😥🌚😥 i know i took long time to update again. Please don't angry on me. In next 10 days, i have my job Exam then two job viva. I'm messed up, exhausted, hypertensed about many things😢😨😩😦 So please do understand, if i can't update tok much in these period ( but of course I'll try) 🙏🙏🙏

See you soon. Love you 😘😘😘

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