🌻 Sunshine -06🌻

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Yibo lays on the grass ground  in his neighbourhood. It’s only 6:30 in the evening and he is in this position for last one hour but he has nowhere to go or do anything specific. He closes his eyes just in case no worries  cross his mind.

"You  absent 3days just in 10 days. We don't need irresponsible one.sorry you don't have to come here anymore",  the cafe owner harshly kicked out him from his only part time job, with giving him a thin layer of  salary.

Yibo inhales a sad breathe. It’s not like he is sad getting fired from his job but he is feeling down for  just the way he had been treated. Nobody treated him like that till now. He misses his mamma, his grandmamma. Then no matter how much he tries some worries  Won’t  invade from his mind.The month is near to end and he has no job to pay the rent plus his educational fees.
His mamma will sure force him to accept the money but he is determined. Now he realizes living like a normal civilian life isn’t easy.

He sits up from his lying position. A brown paper packet neatly and lonely left by his side. He takes the packet in his hand. A smile immediately forms in his face. He opens the layer of packet and takes out one muffin from it. "A sweet and cute muffin like just like him", he thoughts.  The creamy cheese is slightly messed up maybe it's his fault not actually his sunshine. He takes a little bite on it. As he is not into sweet things, he takes a very little bite. But he regrets immediately. It doesn’t taste actually too much Sweety just like Xiao Zhan mentioned him while giving him. Maybe It's Yibo's imagination or It's just Xiao Zhan is the person who made those muffin.  Yibo finishes one muffin. He munches his mouth is stuffed with muffin.

"Okay, let's find new job from tomorrow ", he cheers up himself.

In a dim lighted room, lying on the bed holding a fluffy bear toy Xiao Zhan thinks about a certain person. Who makes his heart do a crazy drumming sound everytime he is near.

" Will he eat my muffin?"

The next day as usual beauty Ziyi forces Xiao Zhan woggles out everything from his tummy. And Xiao Zhan being Xiao Zhan,  he'll shuttering, blushing over the name of Yibo. In the end Ziyi seems quite impressed😥

In the P.E class time, Xiao Zhan eyes search for Yibo. He is careful not to make it obvious but his two friend when one of them have vulture eyes, pokes him time to time. That's not effects Xiao Zhan because he can't see Yibo nowhere and it makes him down.

Almost P.E class time is about end. Still no glimpse of Yibo.
" Is he sick? Doesn’t come today?", Xiao Zhan's mind battles with several possibilities. He can't afford himself ask Hao Xuan about Yibo. It looks too odd. After finishing todays's laps with same difficulty like yesterday, he sits quietly and looks here and there desperately even though he knows it Won't help him.

"Are you searching on me?", a deep voice echoes near to his ears. His whole body jolts a hard goosebumps.

These voice.

I'm familiar with this voice..

It's his.

Xiao Zhan turns his neck meeting with Yibo's eyes. Yibo's face is dangerously too close to him. His nerves begins to panic.

" Y-yes..n-no...i d-don't", he finds it hard to take out his voice.

"Ohh, i thought you searched me because you want to see me 😕", Yibo teases him in a sad tone.

"N-noo,  i me-an
y-es. I want to see y-you", Xiao Zhan crumbles down his uniform shirt.

" Relax  Sunshine, i was just messing with you", Yibo takes a sit beside him. Xiao Zhan breaths normally.

"Why does his heart feeling sick when Yibo is near to his ear? "

"If you are worried  where was i? Then i was with our basketball coach. We have a tournament that's why ", Yibo gives Xiao Zhan an explanation which he demands inwardly. Xiao Zhan feels embarrassed.

" Did he read my m-mind? "

They talk till the period end.
"Xiao Zhan, sorry i have to go washroom on emergency. Will you okay by self ", Ziyi asks him.
" I'll be with him. You can go. Don't worry", Yibo tells her with a cold face. "Okay then bye Zhan". Surely he feels nervous when Ziyi winks at him which Yibo didn't notice and Xiao Zhan is sure now she did it purposely. But he thanks her, for her,  Yibo is with him.

" He said he'll be with m-me"

Here, we're already in your classroom ", Yibo stops at the classroom corridor. " T-thank you. I'm sorry to lend your
t-ime ", Xiao Zhan lowers his while mumbling thanks words. Yibo extends his hand to ruffle his sliky black hairs.

" Yiboooo baby, what're you doing here with his nerdy?", Two girls runs to their direction,  one of them clings herself with Yibo's arms and spouting words about Xiao Zhan with disgust.

Xiao Zhan feels he'll tear up any soon if he won't leave here. It’s nothing new to him when someone says bad harted words to him about his feature but seeing these girl clinging with Yibo, this picture pierces his heart.

Of course Yibo prefers beautiful girl. Who the studip will like me.

"Back off", Yibo shrugs to the girl with a dark cold tone. The one who glues with him quckily release Yibo's hand and sends a glare to Xiao Zhan. 

" Go to classroom, Sunshine. Your friends will be there. I'll see you in a few hours ", Yibo sweetly says sad Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan blushes on the last sentence. He nods, making two girls more jealous.

Xiao Zhan stays there on spot looking  at Yibo's back who doesn’t give two girls a second spare glance and leave all alone.

" He'll c-come to our shop in aftertoon", Xiao Zhan finds himself blushing uncontrollably.

Hey if anyone had trouble ton understand my writing. Then I'm clearing it the Italic font will be mind talking in these book. Because these book holding lots of mind talking. Till now i guess u already sense it.

Thank you who shows your support. Not much people love cringe sweet story but you spare your precious time and give my book a chance. Thanks a lot🙏🙏🙏 Feel free to ask anything if you have any confusion to understand.

Love you 😘😘

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