40. Raven

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Dear Raven,
    Harry wrote to me and told me his scar started hurting again. I'm flying north immediately. I've been hearing several strange rumors down here and I believe Voldemort may be coming back soon than we hoped. After what happened at the Quidditch World Cup, this is moving beyond coincidental. Keep your eyes open and be smart, trust your instincts. Love you.

My brow furrowed as I read through the letter for the third time. "What's wrong?" Fred asked, looking up from his essay for Charms.

Glancing around cautiously, I whispered, "Dad's coming back."

"What? Why?" George asked, leaning in to make sure he heard me right.

"You're not serious, right?" Ange asked. With a sigh, I handed her the letter to scan over. Once she'd finished, I passed it to the twins to read. "Well are you going to tell him not to come?"

"Doesn't look like there's much I can do about it," I replied. "I want him to be safe, but...I could see him again. I don't know." With a sigh, I turned back to my work and began working on a complicated arthmancy assignment to take my mind off Dad. A week later, it had finally been a month of keeping that leaf in my mouth. It was a blessing I'd figured out how to still talk with it in during the first week. Carefully, I removed the leaf while up in my dormitory and placed it in a vial. Next, I separated one of my long black hairs and pulled it out. Looping it up, I added it to the vial.

Over the next seven days, I had to carefully add dew to the vial for seven days. Then I added the chrysalis of a particular moth, thankfully Snape had one in his private storage cupboard. Then I hid the vial in the small, forgotten broom cupboard by the Astronomy Tower. Then for a week, I waited for a thunderstorm, saying to proper incantation every day and night while pressing my wand tip to my heart.

One morning, while the others were all asleep, I was saying the incantation when I suddenly felt a second heart beat rhythmically with the first. I kept going. Finally, I was heading up to bed when I heard a clap of thunder. Instantly, I grabbed my broom and flew to the Astronomy Tower to get the vial and then flew out to the forest.

Landing, I set my broom aside and pressed my wand to my heart. "Amato Animo Animato Animagus," I chanted as the thunder clapped around me. Setting my wand with my broom, I downed the now blood-red potion. Instantly, I let out a cry of pain, dropping the vial with a crash. A second heartbeat pounded in my chest, causing me to feel like I had severe heartburn. Soft footsteps approached and I looked up, spotted Sirius.

"It's almost done, Raven," he said with a proud smile. I gasped, my head shot up to face the sky as the image of a raven flashed in my mind. Next moment, I felt my body shift. A soft twitter left my mouth and I looked up to see Dad towering over me. "Well I'll be," he said with a laugh, bending down to look at me. "You're actually a raven." He let out another laugh before standing back up. "Okay, now imagine your human form." I closed my eyes and imagined it.

"That was crazy," I exclaimed, getting to my feet. "I can't believe that worked."

"Good job," he said, giving me a hug. "I saw the thunder and assumed you'd be out here."

"It's good to see you, Dad," I replied, still hugging him tightly. Pulling away, I said, "You know how you told me to trust my instincts?" He nodded. "Listen, it sounds crazy, but I don't trust Moody."

"He was a great auror," Dad countered.

"Yeah, but something's off, Dad," I insisted. "Like seriously off. He just...I can't explain it, it's just a feeling."

"Well, see what happens, watch him," Dad advised. "But I'd keep that to yourself, in case you're right. If he is dangerous, he can't know you suspect him." I nodded. "You should be getting back."

"Right," I said. "Bye Dad."

"Bye Raven," he replied. Turning, I grabbed my wand and broom.

Turning around, I said, "I really missed you, Dad."

"I missed you too," he replied. "Love you."

"You too!" I called back, jumping on my broom before taking off. Once in the dorm, I set aside my broom and ran downstairs to the common room. Like I'd hoped, Fred and George were still up. Rushing to them, I said, "Guys, I did it. I just changed forms. I'm an animagus now."

"Wait really?" George asked. "What animal do you turn into?"

"A raven funny enough," I chuckled. Glancing around, I saw that the common room was empty aside from Harry, Ron, and Hermione, but even so I lowered my voice and added, "Also, I saw Dad. He's here."
"Happy birthday!" Angelina called, waking me the next morning.

"Hi," I said groggily. "What a wake up call."

"You're seventeen now!" she called excitedly. I chuckled, sitting up and taking my birthday present from her with a smile.

Raven (Fred x oc)Where stories live. Discover now