95. Moonlight, Dark Curly Hair, Fangs, Blood, and the Figure

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"Alright." Toppling figure. "I want five laps around the pitch," I ordered. Moonlight.

"You asked to see me, Snape?" I said. Fangs.

"Yes, I was told you are supposed to have Draco for detention this evening," he said. Curly dark hair.

"Yes," I replied, slightly dazed from the images. Blood. "What about it?"

Falling figure. "I need you to reschedule." Moonlight. "I need Malfoy to help me with some things." Fangs.

"I would have to speak to-" I broke off. Curly dark hair. Blood. Figure. Moonlight. Fangs. Hair. Blood. Figure. Moonlight. Fangs. Hair. Blood.

"Ms. Black?" I shook my head, blinking hard to try and rid the image from my head.

"Y-Yes, that's f-fine," I stuttered, laying my forehead against my hands. "I'm not feeling well anyways."

"Yes," Snape drawled, taking in my appearance.

"Just have him stop by at some point today," I requested. "So we can reschedule."

"Of course," Snape replied. Figure. Moonlight. Fangs. Hair. Blood.

"Yes, come in," I said quickly, hearing the knocking.

"You wanted to see me," Draco said. He looked as terrible as I did. He was still thin and pale, dark circles still hung under his eyes.

"Yes," I said, wincing slightly as the visions plagued my mind. "To-" I rubbed my head, trying to shake it all. "Your detention, reschedule."

"Tomorrow morning?" he suggested. I nodded. Figure. Moonlight. Fangs. Hair. Blood. Figure. Moonlight. Fangs. Hair. Blood. "Are you alright?"

"Y-Yes," I said, shakily getting to my feet. "I think...I think I need to lie down. You're dismissed."

Almost reluctantly, he turned to leave before turning back and asking, "Are you going back home tomorrow evening? Don't you usually on Sundays?"

"I was planning on it," I replied. "Why?"

"No reason," he replied quickly. "See you tomorrow." I nodded, frowning before going to lie in bed, but I couldn't sleep. Draco was concerned about something. Figure. About me? Moonlight. He couldn't be, could he? Fangs. What did he know was going to happen tomorrow night? Hair. Why was he so worried? Blood. What was so bad that he was worried about me? Figure. I froze. It was going to happen tomorrow night.

Instantly, I reached over and grabbed a sleeping draft. An hour later, I woke with a cry, gasping for breath as I tried to remember everything from the dream. Blurred figures had been talking to one another on a tower. I tried to think which tower it was. Focused on that, I took another sleeping draft. This time, I managed to recognize the railing. I woke quickly, getting to my feet.

The Astronomy Tower. I passed the entirety of the next day anxiously pacing in my office, fiddling with my ring, even when Draco came for his detention. Time seemed to be passing unimaginably slowly as I continued to pace, glancing at the clock every few seconds. I didn't even have the capacity to make him do anything, he just sat in my office, watching me pace back and forth.

As I was pacing, Draco asked, "Where do you go usually on Sundays?"

"What?" I said distractedly. He repeated his question. "Oh, to see my fiancé. Fred." I couldn't focus the rest of the time and ended up letting him go after only fifteen minutes. I had bitten my nails to the point where they bled and my body was screaming for food, but I couldn't bring myself to eat. Finally, it was five o'clock. Whatever was going to happen, I was sure it would happen soon.

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