Adora get kidnapped

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Just as a little note here... if you notice anything wrong with my writing, it's nothing wrong with me. I just took a long hold between the last chapter and this (my family was moving), and I had time to think about where I want to take this and it may not match the earlier chapters, so sue me.

Adora stood in front of the bathroom mirror, contemplating what she should wear. She'd pack some clothing for this trip. How much? Not much, just 7 suitcases worth.

Maybe a dress? No, we're going on a tour around this town; and Andrew advised not to wear dresses or something that makes you look pretty... apparently, the town's a bit dangerous for girls without guardians... hmmmmmm...

In the end, she just chose jeans and a sky blue sweater. It works. Just not as fashionable. But she can deal with it.

She walked out of her room, closing the lights and the door with wish energy. The others were already there, all taking Andrew's advice to heart except Libby, who wore a --you know what-- a pink glittering dress of lace.

"Libby?" Andrew asked. "What did I tell you?"

"What? It'll be fine! Ganymede is with me!"

"That won't stop some-- Whatever," Andrew grumbled. "But if you end up in an alleyway cornered by drunk people, don't blame me for your loss."

Libby shrugged. "Eh."

"Come on guys... let's go explore the not dangerous town of Old Cosmic road... come on." Andrew led the way.

They walked through the small town, which was kept in a rather old-fashioned way for the town had dirt roads, nearly all of the buildings are made of wood which Andrew explained: "other materials too expensive for some people."

"Before we go any further," Andrew said. "Let's set up a buddy system; at least 1 girl and boy per group. That way, other people won't get any ideas. However, be ready to defend yourself if you happen to pass a bar or anywhere that serves alcohol; Drunk people won't even care if you have another person with you." They took this advice to heart, pairing up with their crushes, which was pretty much expected. Adora paired up with Cyrus, who was also left out. "Oh, and Nicholas," Andrew called. "Put on your hood; we don't want too much attention."

Andrew then showed them the community centre of the southern lands from history (which Vega, Hector, Cassie, and Percy found delightful), and the scientific breakthroughs here(Adora needed to visit that section). Andrew gave them maps, brochures, and told them to meet in the front by 5.

After a quick scan through the Scientific section (which was boring; nothing but better and healthier beer; which no one even drinks), both Adora and Cyrus decided to get out of this place. They walked out the front door, but Cyrus needed to go to the bathroom. So Adora waited for like a good 10 minutes.

Cyrus might've eaten something bad or else why is he taking so long?

"Well looky here." A voice said behind her. She turned around to find a greasy, hulking man in suspenders and a shirt, smelling like beer. "Why is this beautiful young lady here?"

"I'm waiting for a friend-"

"Oh forget him." He said. "I'll keep you company."

If you end up in an alleyway cornered by drunk people... Andrew's words echoed through her mind. Aww, starf.

"It's good, I'll just wait here."

"Shut up and come." He approached her, an expression on his face Adora can't tell. She looked around for help only to find the area empty and deserted. Fuck.

She backed away and tried to defend herself, but she panicked and that was her undoing. the man's hand came from above and pretty much knocked her.

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