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The clock ticked to the midnight mark of 12.

A swirling mass of inky darkness swarmed into a room in the Little Dipper dorm in Starling Prep School, the brother school of Starling Academy. It stopped by a bed by the window, overlooking Starling Prep and Starling Academy. A 3rd year sat on the bed

"So." the voice said. "How is the plan going?"

"Well, m'lady." The boy said. "I managed to get the plan set up. They will never survive the t-"


A 4th year stood by the door, his eyes full of fear and confusion. He ran for the door, but the inky darkness was faster. It swarmed around the boy, trapping him, and suffocating him.

"Well, little boy," It said "You came in at the wrong time. Now bow to your new master: Rancora."

The 4th year's eyes turned glassy, and he stopped fighting. Cracks filled his face, and his skin bulged with black veins of blood.

"He'll make a fine addition to my army." The mist, what has to be Rancora, said to the 3rd year, who was still sitting on the bed. "Now. You will have to cover up his disappearance. I won't want anyone to find out our little plot"

Rancora disappeared, along with the 4th year, her malicious laugh filling the room.

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