The Very Unexpected Song...

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"Ok, boys." Scott's father said. "It's the eve of the performance, and I know you're stressed. So, I'm just going to do so-"

"Does it seem like we're stressed?" Colin asked. "Austin and Orrin never sang before; and they're not stressed."

"True." Nicholas said. "And can we just start practicing?"

"Well where's Scarlet?" Orrin asked. "And Selene?"

"Selene went to do her own thing; and do you really need Scarlet? She's been the hardest working out of all of us." Nicholas interrupted. "She knows everything."

You know something about why Scarlet's been missing, don't you? Piper asked when their coaches agreed to let them have free time and de-stress.

Yup; you'll see tomorrow.

Nicholas retired to his room, changing his hoodie to a t-shirt. He smiled, remembering the night he shared with Piper. They didn't do much, just make out furiously, but he enjoyed it and will forever cherish it in his heart. He looked into the mirror in his room, tracing a thin mark on his collar bone.

He flopped onto his bed, closing his eyes before he slipped into the realm of dreams.

Nicholas rushed into the empty preparation room, the only Staring in there was his friends. He made his way to them, who were already getting ready, except for Scarlet.

"Oh thank the stars." Scott said, breathing a sigh of relief. "Come on; you need to get ready."

They were near their own performance; this was the start of the last one, and then they'd go. They haven't been so nervous in a long time, but after 2 weeks of prep, they were ready.

Nicholas grabbed his star-zap, texting someone before going to the door to the stage.

"Nicholas! Where are you going?" Nico asked. "We're not going until the next performance!"

"Yeah yeah." He said. "Well, I have something I have to do. You might see me on the TV with Scarlet."

"What?" Leona asked before Nicholas disappeared.

"Scarlet?" Orrin asked. "She's-" he started before th

"The next song, 'Fake a Smile' will be sung by Scarlet." The announcer said. "Without anything else to say, let's get to the song!"

"SCARLET?!?!?" Leona yelled. "When did she-"

"That's why she wasn't showing up to the practices!" Piper said. "She was practicing for her own performance!"

"Oh..." Orrin said.

"Just watch." Peter said, already glued to the screen.

"Where's Nicholas?" Piper asked.

"All the way in the corner; he's playing... piano?" Scott said, squinting into the screen. Sure enough, Nicholas was sitting in front of the grand piano, ready to start. Giving a thumbs up to Scarlet, he began the song.

These are the songs; I don't own any of these ;)

You and I up all night
Nothing's wrong, nothing's right
I swear these walls are upside down
Swear the roof is underground
Demons don't sleep at night
Oh, oh, oh

I try to turn off my mind
Say I'm doing just fine
But I'm screaming inside like (Oh-oh-oh-oh)
Say these words on repeat
While I'm trying to breathe
Now you're counting on me
So I fake a smile
But I know you know me too well
But it's alright
You're like heaven when I'm in hell

You were there, held me hard
Tasted light but felt the dark
I'm waiting for them all to see
I don't deserve your company
To love myself is way too hard
Oh, oh, oh

I try to turn off my mind
Say I'm doing just fine
But I'm screaming inside like (Oh-oh-oh-oh)
Say these words on repeat
While I'm trying to breathe
Now you're counting on me
So I fake a smile
But I know you know me too well
But it's alright
You're like heaven when I'm in hell

(No sleep...)
(It's alright...)
(No sleep...)

So I fake a smile
But I know you know me too well
But it's alright
You're like heaven when I'm in hell
So I fake a smile
But I know you know me too well
But it's alright
You're like heaven when I'm in hell
So I fake a smile
But I know you know me too well
But it's alright
You're like heaven when I'm in hell

Scarlet finished the song, breathing hard and out of breath. The crowd cheered and gave her a round of applause. Nicholas smiled giving Scarlet a thumbs up.

Scarlet immediately retreated down the ramp into the stage, and Nicholas followed suit.

Scarlet crashed through the door, breathing heavily. Orrin ran up to her, concerned.

"Scarlet!" Orrin said, taking her hand. "Are you ok?"

Scarlet literally hugged Orrin, which is odd for her.

"Oooo..." Libby said. "Someone's in love..."

"What should their ship name be?" Ganymede asked.

"Orrlet? Scarin?" Libby asked. "None of them make sense..."

"We'll decide on that later." Scott's father said. "It's your time to shine, everyone!"

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