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Leona sat down beside Scott, rubbing her shoulder after getting it treated by Adora. Scarlett had thrown a Cosmic controller she was using at Leona, hitting her squarely in the shoulder blades with so much force, the bone dislocated. Percy and Orrin (who was also there at the time) had to hold her down physically and Wish-manupulationally (is that a word?) to prevent Scarlett from hurting her any more than she already did.

After the whole incident, Adora had relocated the arm, although it still hurt and Leona can't use too much of the arm, but it will heal.

"How's the arm?" Scott asked. "I heard what happened, but I was in a music band with Phil, Clover, Nicholas and Piper."

"It still hurts, but other than that I'm just," Leona answered, glad he was caring. "Scarlett just hates me so much, I'm sometimes confused why."

"I get that with my sister. She's like that as well." Scott said. "Mind if I take a look at it?"

"Sure," Leona said, trying her best to sound nonchalant

Scott leaned over her shoulder, trying to find the place of impact. On her shoulder was a giant, purple bruise, covering her entire shoulder.

"starf..." Scott muttered, and immediately from Hector's room, a voice yelled: "Language!"

"What? Is it that bad?" Leona asked, trying to see the bruise.

"We need some ice," Scott answered. "There's a giant bruise where the Cosmic-controller hit you. NICHOLAS!"

Nicholas peeked his head out from his room.

"I heard you. Need ice? Here ya go!" Nicholas waved his hands, and the cup of water Tessa was holding instantly floated out of the cup, froze, and landed in Nicholas's hand. A towel from the bath in one of the bathrooms flew out and wrapped around the ice. Nicholas tossed the pack to Scott. "Don't ask me for anymore. It's exhausting how everyone needs my help."

"Gotcha" Scott answered before pressing the ice on Leona's shoulder

"STARF! That's COLD!" Leona yelled

"LANGUAGE!" Hector yelled.

(yes, the SMS Scona is off!)

Vega sat in the Luminous Library, book in hand as she worked on one of the 20 summer projects she was determined to finish before school started again. Now, with the Camp and the non-stop amount of SD lessons, she wasn't so positive she could get it done. At least she was positive she could get 75% of it done... At least she was sure she could.

Hector entered the library, the old book he'd checked out a few days ago in his hands.

"Hey, Vega!" Hector said after returning from the check-in stand. "I was wondering where you were."

"Oh, hey Hector! Back again so soon? You just borrowed that book."

"I'm good at reading. Plus, I already read all the books in this library, so I'm just rereading everything."

"Woah there. If I remember correctly, you've never been here before. How do you read all those books in, like, 2 weeks?"

"Oh no. I meant the fantasy section, the science fiction section, all the fact books, and the wish world studies."

"That's like, the entirety of the Library," Vega commented dryly.

"Really? Wow, you guys got a small supply of realistic fiction and mystery."

"The realistic fiction, maybe, but no mystery. Cassie loves reading those."

"Speaking of Cassie, does she have something going on with Percy?" Hector pointed, and sure enough, Cassie was with Percy, holding hands while browsing for books.

"Oh, My Stars!" Vega gasped. "I thought Libby fell in love fast. She and Ganymede met for like, at least half a year. She met Percy for less than a month!"

Cassie must've heard her, as she turned toward the 2, and her face flushed in embarrassment. Vega gave her a triple wink, the Starlandian way of saying "good job!". Cassie didn't respond. She said something to Percy, then hurried out the door, Percy behind her with a confused look.

Vega laughed. "Honestly, I miss her when she had the magical nail polish on. She was soooo much more confident and whatnot."


"Sorry. I keep forgetting you don't know our whole story. We were invited to a party where we got these awesome nail polish, but they changed literally who we are. For example, Cassie became what I described. However, it wasn't forever, so once we removed them with the nail polish remover thingy--- I wouldn't know the name; makeup is more Libby's thing--- we returned to normal."

"Oof. I wish I could see Nicholas turn the opposite of himself; he's a grumpy Starling!"

"You all speak highly of him. Why is it that?"

"Well, ya see, all of Starland and Wishworld owe their lives to him. During a battle with Rancora, she revealed she had a little surprise for Wishworld, and Nicholas, without any word or plan, just went to the Isles of Misera and destroyed everything there; including the portal to Wishworld, and hundreds of other dangerous weapons Rancora and her team were developing."

"Woah. he went to the Isles of Misera alone?" Vega said, horrified. "How did he survive? No Starling could survive in the mass amount of negative energy there."

Hector had a little clueless look as well. Not even the male SD knows how Nicholas survives.

"We don't know how he went there and returned alive, or if he was unscathed or not," Hector told her. "He didn't seem any different, but sometimes at night, he will get up and go to the forest and return before the first starlight."

"Nicholas is a mysterious person. Nico said he was the type of person to put duty and responsibility before everything, even his life."

"He changed after his grand died. He was once a bit selfish, lonely person, but since his grandpa passed, he became like the person he is today." Hector said. "I feel sorry for him. He lost the one person he loved. I could relate. I lost my older brother in Hurricane Maria, and it took me a long time to recover. It takes a strong person to go through loss and find closure so quickly."

"Or a completely heartless person." Vega heard Cyrus, who was nearby mutter.

"What's the problem between Cyrus and Nicholas?"

"Oh, Cyrus? He's jealous of Nicholas; Nicholas had gone on more successful missions and helped Cyrus on most of his. Cyrus kinda got jealous over the years. Nicholas's got nothing with him."


"Anyways. Watcha working on?" Hector asked, looking over her shoulder at her work. Vega found herself staring at the young first year's handsome face... argh, Vega! You're not Libby! Stop staring!

"What were you saying?" Hector asked, looking at her strangely. Vega had muttered her thoughts.

"Uh, Nothing! So how's the work?" Vega said, desperately trying to change the subject.

"Could have sworn I've heard something. The work is great. However, some of the facts are incorrect or partially incorrect. I'll link some resources you can use

Vega gritted her teeth, trying not to yell at Hector. She hated being corrected by others, but she didn't want Hector to think there's something wrong with her... ARGH! Why am I trying to seem nice and friendly? It's just a boy! Why am I being LIBBY!

Just as Hector finished checking her project, her clock on her star-zap beeped, signalling it's dinner.

"I'll see you at the Celestial Cafe," Hector said, walking out the door. "Cya!"

Vega's heartbeat dropped and she stopped holding her breath. Why was she holding her breath? She thought. I might need to consort Libby for support. I don't have any experience in this.


Star Darlings; the Other 12Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin