The Really Exciting Parts

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Colin skewered another body, throwing it behind him. The HQ was taken hostage by the same things he'd encountered in Hector's home; and this time, they were prepared. They all worked together instead of in a mob, attacking in the pitch darkness. Assassins ran around, defending the HQ as best as they could, but they were being overrun.

The Eastern entrance... He realized. That's the weakest point of the HQ... if they're able to defeat the defences there... they'll penetrate even the deepest parts of the HQ; even the Vault.

He started fighting his way through the dense crowd of the Horde, towards the Eastern entrance. He had to defend it at all costs. Teleporting to the room right after the entrance, Colin stood behind the small gathering of Assassins preparing for the worst.

"Colin!" One of them said. "You're here!"

"I know. There's no time to talk, Natalie," he said. "Go help those assassins that are rooting out the ones that got through, alright? I'll take this."


"No buts. Just go; I'm or superior and those are your orders."

"Fine; just be careful," Natalie said. "Come on."

They ran down the stairs to the deeper levels, leaving Colin to face the rest of the Horde.

A huge thing landed right in front of him. Its body looked as if it was made of... other bodies. Its limbs were chunks of meat stuck together and animated by some external or internal force. Its head was a giant spherical shape made of hands.

(These are what I imagined them to be but with the description I had; just picture it.)


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Welp... I regret ever sending those guys away... eww...

Nicholas didn't know why he was running. He wasn't even in control of himself, yet he knows what he's doing. It's like something else was at the steering wheel while he was thrown in the back trunk. Distorting, REALLY messed up, and it makes him feel helpless; something he doesn't appreciate.

Behind him, he can hear Piper shouting his name. He wanted to just turn around, but he couldn't. He couldn't even communicate with his mind, for the star's sake. Something was blocking him. Something he has no power over.

By the grace of the stars... what is happening!?!?!?!? He thought. Where am I even going? Or doing!?!?!?

You are going to the sanctuary, hon. A female voice echoed in his mind.

THE HELL!!?!?!?!?

Language, hon. It said again. We're here to help with your... condition.

I'm perfectly healthy!

Ugh. whatever. You'll see once we get there.

Get out of my body!!!

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