So Nicholas Got Captured...

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"Orrin's been in there for over 3 hours now," Piper said. "Why is he locking himself in like he's quarantining."

"His mother said something about bonding with his father," Scott said. "Dunno what that means."

"So, basically, he's got daddy issues." Nicholas summed up.

"You can say that," Sage said.

The SD's sat around the suite table, eating dinner. Orrin hadn't come out, so they left his food at the door, although he said he wanted to be left alone. Now they were waiting for him to figure out what he's going to do next.

"Hello?" The door to their suite opened, revealing Colin in a white hoodie. He seemed urgent as if something big was going on. "Nicholas, get your things."

"Colin, what's going on?" Nicholas asked, standing up.

"Emergency mission. Callista's captured." Colin said urgently. "Somehow, word got out of her assassination mission and she was taken last night."

"Alright." Nicholas sprint to his room, grabbing all the things he needed. "Where?"

"We'll take one of the lifeboats to the location," Colin answered. "Come on!"

"Nicholas?" Piper asked, standing up. "Where are you-"

"Saving my aunt," Nicholas said. "I'll be back." he kissed her forehead. "I promise I'll be fine." Piper nodded, and he followed Colin out the door.

"And you say you have nothing going on..." Libby said. "What was that?

Nicholas raced through the decks of the ship, going to where they had the lifeboats. Colin was ahead, opening doors.

"How did she get found?" Nicholas asked.

"I dunno. I think there was another spy other than the one you killed." Colin said. "Hurry! We don't know what they might be doing to her right now."

They crashed through the door to the lifeboat hangar, where lifeboats with motors were lined up against the wall on neat racks and an open hangar that opens when you need it to. Grabbing one of the lower lifeboats from the racks, Nicholas and Colin pulled it down to the water. Colin hit the open bottom for the hangar door.

"HEY!!!" A crewmate yelled. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!"

Colin and Nicholas pulled up their hoods before hopping on the boats and starting the motors.

"Where did they take her?"

"A Skylar outpost in the middle of nowhere. Literally." Colin answered. "It's on some island where they have an underground tunnel system. We've been preparing to destroy that place for a while, but never did it because we were too busy. Now, we're burning the place to the ground and collapsing the tunnels."

"That one..." Nicholas muttered. "We'll have to be careful. Where do we have to go?"

Colin pulled out a detailed map of the island. "We're gonna have to climb up this little tower, and enter through the vents."

"Nice." Nicholas smiled. "Let's go save my aunt."

They approached the island, shutting down their motors before jumping silently into the sea. The island was pretty big, with about 2 or 3 football fields. Most of it was covered by trees, some sand and there were towers everywhere, each loaded with people. Each also had an entryway to the underground tunnel systems, where Callista was.

"Come on," Colin said, getting onshore. "There should be guards here." Nicholas followed.

The first guard was taken down easily, and the body was tossed into the ocean. And so was the next. And the next. Until one of the towers was rid of guards and was free to go down the vent. They shimmied down, their bodies barely fitting in, but they managed.

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