Nicholas' Friend! (Who is really just another OC)

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"I said, HOW MUCH DID YOU SEE!!!" Nicholas yelled, his murderous glare threatening to kill everyone in the room.


"We just heard fighting going on and decided to investigate." Sage stepped in, putting herself between him and Piper. "Stop yelling."

Nicholas sighed. "I knew you guys were there," he said. "I knew you heard everything me and my aunt said when I was searching for the Skylar."

"You knew?" Scott asked. "Then why didn't you tell her?"

"Because if anyone heard what we said, she'll kill them," Nicholas said. "And I prefer my friends not thrown to the bottom of the sea. So, if you don't mind, how much did you hear?"

"That you are part of a secret organization of some sorts and Captain Callista is your aunt and you have some sort of Blade thing that signifies you as a leader." Libby blurted, thinking off the top of her head. "That's all we know before we were nearly spotted by a crewmate and had to hide. By the time we reopened the spying thing, you and Captain Callista were saying something about the wall having ears. We then teleported back to the suite and heard fighting and Piper peeked her head out the door."

"Alright," Nicholas said. "I guess I overreacted." he apologized. "But you have to swear not to tell another soul or I'll make sure you'll end up somewhere between life and death."

They did, and Nicholas immediately went back to grab his Grandpa, which he'd left during the fight.

"Quick thinking there Libs." Sage sighed in relief. "We couldn't have done it without you."

"I was just relaying what I practiced after we got back," Libby said. "I knew this would happen."

"Bruh," Peter said. "Who does that?"

"Me!" Libby said. "Now I think we should get back to our rooms before Nicholas comes back."

"Another good idea Libby," Sage said. "Come on."

They all went back to their rooms, in case Nicholas came back and caught them talking.

Nicholas walked back in, holding his grand's urn. He set it on the desk, careful not to break it. Instead of sleeping, he went to Piper's door, knocking.

"Piper? May I come in?" He whispered.


He opened the door, peeking at Piper who was lying on her bed. "Hey, Piper."

"What is it?" She asked softly. She was still shaken from earlier, Nicholas can tell.

"I... I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier." Nicholas said. "I just wanted to make sure you didn't know..."

Piper smiled. "It's ok. I understand it's hard to trust people after... everything you went through."

"I still want to apologize though."

"It's okay, you don't have to."

"I insist," Nicholas said. Piper blushed. She wasn't sure what to think about this. Sure, he yelled at her, but he's apologizing and she could tell he was sorry. She took his hand, not minding the cold. Her touch almost seemed to warm Nicholas. "Alright. I accept your apology." Piper said, holding his hand tighter. Nicholas smiled, still holding her hand.

He glanced at the clock. "It's almost 6. I have to go."

"Bye. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow," Nicholas said, walking out the door.

Piper sat there for almost half an hour, smiling to herself, before finally drifting off to sleep.

She was awakened by the sound of seagulls screeching overhead. One of them had perched itself on the window, screeching like crazy. She rubbed her head. Last night was one of the most eventful nights she'll ever have.

I'm never going to do that ever again, however, my curiosity begs me to. She thought. I wonder... does Nicholas have a crush on me? I mean, why else would he act like that?

The seagull screeched again. She glanced at the clock, before realizing it's 8 am. Breakfast probably already passed at this point. Getting out of bed, she took a sparkling shower before getting dressed and walking outside. Surprisingly, she was the first one up. Well, we don't see this every day; me being the first. where are the others?

Piper silently opened the door to one of the rooms, and she saw Libby flopped on her bed, snoring. Well then... closing the door, she went to the suite's main room, where their breakfast was on the table. She took an ozziefruit tea and a strawberry turnover.

"Hello?" a voice asked outside. Piper opened the door to find a 15-year-old with black hair and eyes holding a bag. He wore a hoodie too big for him and jeans. "Oh hello. I'm here to see Nicholas Maximoff. The Captain wanted me to see him."

"Ok... what's your name?"

"Colin," he said.

"Ok," Piper said. "I'll see if he's awake or not."

Piper knocked on his door, hearing a "come in." before opening it.

"Nicholas?" Piper called. He was lying on his back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. "Someone wants to see you."


"A guy named Colin."

Nicholas immediately sat up, his eyes bright. "I'll see him." he rushed outside, smiling when he saw him.

"Bro!" Colin said, slapping Nicholas' shoulder. "Where were you, dude? You left me on that mountain for me to hunt the bloody Starmalyian Sow by myself."

"I'm sorry I didn't have time to do that mission before I left," Nicholas said. "You took her down, didn't you."

"I did after it gutted me." He said. "Hurt like crazy but a good blade to the head took her down."


"Uh, Nicholas..." Piper interrupted. "Would you care to introduce us?"

"Oh right," Nicholas remembered. "This is Colin, my childhood friend ever since I joined the Brotherhood."

"Not to mention the last apprentice of the Grandmaster/ Nicholas' grandpa." He added. "And, Nicholas... Callista told me what happened. I didn't want to believe it but... in the end, I guess he was ready to go." he had a faraway expression on his face. "I followed him for 13 years. Ever since I learned to walk, he'd been the one who's there for me."

Nicholas placed a hand on his shoulder. "I understand." he paused for a moment before continuing. "What are you here for? I rarely see you out and about in the world."

"I'm here only because I want to. The Brotherhood sent me on a break from my usual missions. I said: "screw it, I'll do what I want." So last night, I contacted Callista for a bit and she told me everything, and I decided to come to visit you." he glanced at Piper. He then looked at Nicholas with the expression: after on his face. Nicholas nodded.

"All passengers." Callista's voice boomed on the speakers. "We have arrived at the next stop: the Nebulian National Park. Please gather your belongings and go to the nearest exit to enjoy your time here."

"Well, I gotta go," Colin said. "See ya." he vanished in a puff of smoke.

"AH!" Phil said, walking out of his room. "Who was that?"

"My friend," Nicholas said simply. "We're at our next stop. Get your stuff. And go wake the others up."


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