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"Where are they!" Tessa yelled over the boom of the ship's horn. "Nicholas disappeared and now Piper's gone!"

"Tes, calm down." Andrew chided. "I know Nicholas. He can handle himself. If he did miss the ship now, he'll be there on the next stop."

"Yeah but that's not convenient!" Tessa argued. "Not at ALL!"

"Nicholas is the implication of inconvenience," Andrew said. "We can't keep waiting forever. We already have both Nicholas and Piper's thing on board. Let's hope they can make it."

"Do we need to teleport?" Piper asked. "I don't think we can make it at this speed."

"Well, we wouldn't be so late if you would hurry up!" Nicholas retorted. "You've been walking."

"Hey don't blame me!" Piper said. "Can't you just teleport us?"

"Oh right."

"By the stars and the moons Nicholas."

"Alright hold on." he grabbed her hand, and the world flipped upside down until they appeared on the deck of the HMS Stardust, where Tessa and Andrew were looking over the side.

"I know he's independent and whatnot, but shouldn't we look for them? What if they-"

"No need mommy Tessa," Nicholas called. "We're right here!"

They turned, and Tessa's face flushed at the nickname. "Don't call me that!"

"I won't once you stop acting like one!" Nicholas said. "Are my stuff onboard?"

"Yeah, they're in your room," Andrew said. "Meet everyone in the suite," he said before going down a staircase with Tessa.

"Come on," Piper said, following them.

Nicholas followed the 3 down the corridors, trying not to get lost. There were stairs down to the maintenance hall. The bridge, the engine room, and the mess hall for the crew were labelled neatly on the walls.

Andrew, Tessa, and Piper reached a door with the label passenger suite in golden letters. Tessa knocked on the door while asking: "Guys? It's me, Tessa!"

Nico answered the door and sighed in relief when he saw Nicholas behind them. "Finally you guys made it." He said. "We were afraid you were going to miss the ship and be stranded at PiscesPueblo for the rest of the summer."

"Do you think a guy who's been through the Isles of Misera be trapped in a small fishing town?" Nicholas asked. "I can handle myself."


They entered the room, seeing the fancy couches and tables. There was a corridor with doors labelled with their names, all in silver letters.

"Nicholas, your room is at the end of the corridor," Andrew said. "Your things are in there."

"Thanks." Nicholas said, walking towards his room when Andrew called: "What was the stuff inside your bag?"

"Which one?" Nicholas asked, turning back to face him.

"The ceramic jar. What was inside it?" Andrew asked. "It fell out when we were getting your things, but your suitcase wasn't big enough so we left it with the roo-"

"WHAT!!!" Nicholas yelled. "YOU LEFT IT THERE??!?!?!"

"Yeah, I don't see the problem-"

"YOU DON'T SEE THE PROBLEM!?!?! STOP THE SHIP!!!" Nicholas ran out the door and upstairs to the deck. However, the yacht had already started sailing away, too far to go back.

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