Did They All Get Kidnapped?

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Piper walked the halls of the pretty much desolated Community Center with Nicholas, occasionally talking with their minds to not attract attention.

This place is one dangerous area. Piper said, looking at the weapons that were used by a gang. Not that interesting.

What do you think? The south used to be a great hiding place for fugitives and gangs. But when other settlers come to build a home here, things always get heated.

Good reasoning.

"Nicholas! Piper!" An urgent voice sounded behind them. Cyrus sprinted up to them. "Help!" he was panting like crazy as if he'd run the entire length of the Community Centre.

"What's going on?" Piper asked. "Are you alright?"

"Adora-- the others..." he caught his breath. "I was in the bathroom for a bit and when I came back, Adora's gone! I ran around the entire Community Center, looking for her and everyone else is gone!"

"What?" Nicholas asked. "They're all gone? Where?"

"I don't know! Andrew, Tessa, Astra... Everyone!"

"Great... ugh." Nicholas groaned. How can we find them? This town is small, but it's still large enough to hide 21 people, not to mention the land around this place has tons of nooks and crannies to hide in.

We can't just manually search everywhere. Piper agreed. How about using your mind?

What do you mean?

You're skilled in the whole mind connection. Maybe you can scan the town for their minds, and maybe locate them?

Not sure. Never tried.

You did it with me.

That's because I know you. I can't locate any random person.

Is your brother a "random person?"



Let's hope they're not out of town...

Nico woke up being tied up by a rope. All he could remember was the feeling of a hard object hitting his head and he and Sage being dragged away.

He opened his eyes to find himself staring at a wooden wall next to Percy and Orrin.

"Where am I?" He whispered.

"Oh look! One of the boys is awake!" A voice jeered behind him. Nico turned to find half a dozen men, all having various weapons, and signs of a gang. The were in a wooden cabin, with no windows and an open door

"Who are you guys?"

"He doesn't know who we are!" a man, clearly the leader, yelled.

"He's a tourist."

"Who'll come here for the attractions?"

"Who cares! We scored some women!"

When he heard that, he remembered: the girls.

He looked around, the light from the open door blinding him. He found Vega, Sage, Clover, Leona, Libby, Gemma, Tessa, Astra, and Cassie tied up on the opposite side of the cabin. All seemed to have suffered head trauma. Beside him, Andrew, Percy, Orrin, Ganymede, Austin, Hector, Philip, Scott, and Peter were tied up like him.

"Guys wake up!"

They stirred, and not too long after they were all awake.

"Gang!" a voice outside boomed. "I got us another one!" a greasy man wearing suspenders entered, dragging Adora in. The girls woke from the noise. They all looked around in confusion until they realized what happened. Cassie had fear in her eyes, Scarlet looked like she's about to deck the men, and Gemma immediately started to break the ropes tying her.

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