Someone's Jealous...

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"So, where is our coach?" Scott asked Adelaide.

"They'll be arriving soon," Adelaide said. "They're retired, but we struck a deal of flying them out."


They were waiting at the rather large practice room, its walls sound-proofed as much as possible, while microphones were set up around the room in different stands. There was a little room in the corner made up of curtains, with a table, desk, and 4 chairs.

"This may be a while; they like to take their time," Adelaide said. "But I'll assure you, they're the best in Starland." she glanced at Nicholas, who was talking with Piper.

Jealousy immediately flooded her head, knowing that they're a pair. She looked away before anyone else noticed.

"Hello!" A familiar voice called out from the entrance.

"Sorry for being late; we were lost." another voice, really familiar, said.

Everyone turned to find Scott's family at the door, holding their respective instruments.

"Mom!?!?!?" Scott asked, jaw-dropping open. "Dad? Samuel? Selene? Santiago?"

"Scott!!!" his mother yelled, hugging him. "We heard that you were entering the concert, so when the crew asked us out, we agreed."

"They flew us out here, and Dad was just giddy to see you," Selene said. "Never understood why."

"Come on, Selene," Samuel said. "Stop smacking the vibe."

"Hmph," Selene said.

"Anyways." Scott's father said. "Let's get to getting the songs! First, who here is singing?"

Everyone who is singing raised their hands.

"Good. Now, one by one, meet us in the room." Scott's mother said, pointing to the room. "The ones who are playing the instruments, rest; you won't get much of it after we determine what song the others are singing."

The others took a seat in the chairs placed on the sides while Leona and Scott went in first.

"Nicholas," Piper said as Nicholas put his arms around her. "Adelaide is staring."

Nicholas glanced at Adelaide. Sure enough, she was staring with the jealous expression on her face. She turned away.

Does she still think we have a chance? Really? Nicholas said to Piper.

What is the actual story of you two?

I'll show you.

Piper sat on a small plateau on the side of Polar Peak. She can see the white clouds. A storm is coming, and it's gonna be a bad one; she can feel it. She was only seeing the memory from Nicholas' eyes; she had no way of changing it.

"Nicholas?" A young Adelaide said behind her. "What are you doing up here? The campfire's starting."

"I'll be there; I'm just thinking," he said.

"About what?"


"He left again didn't he?" Adelaide said, sitting down beside him.

"Yeah. I miss him." Nicholas said, putting his head on his knees and wrapping his arms around his legs in a ball-like position. "He's always so busy."

"He has to have his reasons, right?" Adelaide said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know... I just miss him. Father's always busy, Mother's always mad at me, and she keeps me far away from Nico as much as she can." Nicholas said. "Grandfather's my only friend. Besides you, at least."

"Why do you think it is that way?" Adelaide asked. "I mean, my stepmother's sometimes rough on me, but most of the time she's ok. Maybe she's your stepmother as well?"

"I don't know," Nicholas said again.

The two sat there for a while, Nicholas looking at the stars while Adelaide struggled with her feelings. Nicholas can see her out of the corner of his eye biting her lip nervously.

"Nicholas..." Adelaide said. "I... I like you." before kissing him on the cheek and running away, leaving Nicholas baffled, confused and not sure of what to do.

"Ahem." Santiago's voice stopped the memory completely. "It's your turn, Nicholas." He said.

"Alright," Nicholas said. We'll continue later. He said before going into the room.

Piper waited for a bit, but decided to go take a walk; Nicholas was talking a bit.

Exploring the large room, looking at the microphones, she found herself in front of Adelaide, leaning against the wall. A conveniently placed microphone set blocked anyone from looking.

"So, from what I can tell, you're dating Nicholas?" Adelaide asked, raising an eyebrow, her words laced with venom. "Doesn't seem like anything is interesting about you."

"Hi?" Piper asked. "What do you want?"

"It's pretty clear what I want," Adelaide said. "Let me tell you something; Nicholas is mine. You don't deserve him. So I suggest you pack your things and get out of his life."

"I think what you need is a psychologist," Piper said politely. "Also, I'm not sure if over 7 years with no contact is doing much on your part."

"Hmph," Adelaide said. "We'll see about that."

"Yet, I'm the one with who he shared his first kiss. Willingly, for context." Piper said.

Adelaide glared at her. She walked away, a visible attitude in her step.

Piper sighed. She didn't want to do a whole war with Adelaide; it's Nicholas' decision who he dates, so why is she coming to her?

She walked back to the others, watching out for Adelaide. Nicholas still wasn't back, and the others got bored as well. Scarlet and Orrin were the only ones left, and they were having a conversation.

Strange. Those two seem rather... close for the past 2 weeks. Maybe Scarlet finally stopped pushing others away and let them in for once... whatever; not gonna be a hypocrite and prod.

She turned away and found Nicholas coming out of the room. She rushed to him, but Adelaide got to him first.

"Hey, Nicholas!" She said, smiling. "You got your song for the performance?"

"Yeah," Nicholas said.

"So... you got time tonight?"

"Why do you ask?" Nicholas asked, an uninterested expression on his face.

"Well, they opened a new ski resort. It's pretty neat, and I remembered you love skiing."

"Nah; don't have the time," Nicholas said blankly.

"Nicholas!" Piper said, walking forward. "Are you done?"

"Yeah, Scott's mother and father said they'll get the plans for the whole performance and tomorrow we'll start practicing."

"Alright," Piper said.

"I'll have to stay; being the main pianist, I got the big job of not just my performance, but also with the instruments. They called you though." Nicholas said. "I'll practice."

"Ok," Piper said as she went to the room.

Be careful though they'll ask you some personal questions. Nicholas said before she disappeared into the room. Nicholas turned, ignoring Adelaide, and went to practice.

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