The Ones That Came Before

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(2 weeks later...)

Piper had never felt so happy before. It had been the best 2 weeks she'd ever experienced, and lots of things affected it.

Once they'd gotten back from the trip and explained everything to Lady Stella and Sir Pluto, they were sent back for the rest of Time of Lumiere.

Nicholas and Piper hang out every day, spending every waking moment with each other. They still did the camp activities together, but they were inseparable.

Now, they were waiting for the annual meeting for the Star Darlings. It was a meeting held by Sir Pluto, and the older Star Darlings from before are all invited, wherever they are.

Piper and Nicholas poked their heads into Lady Stella's office, seeing it filled with people. Boys mainly, but the other girls were there.

"Who's this?" One of the boys said, obviously one of the older Star Darlings. His curious yellow eyes gazed around the room. He looked at least 20 years old, well into the adult stages of his life. A scar was visible on his neck, tracing from his chin to his collarbone.

"Hmm?" another unfamiliar Starling Piper didn't know looked up at him. "Yeah... is he the new one?" He had darkish purple hair, with rather dreamy eyes lazily scanning the room. He was about as old as Cyrus, though it was hard to tell from his baby face and slim build.

"Everyone!" Nicholas spread his arms. "It's me. Nicholas."

"How can we trust you?" one asked, his arctic blue eyes staring warily. He had a small ring on his left hand, glittering with sea green and arctic blue. "Because if I remember correctly, Nicholas was ice."

"Oh, Ethan." A sea-green Starling beside him chided, putting an arm lovingly around his neck, pulling him closer. He too wore the same ring as Ethan. "Don't be rude."

"Grayson, how was that rude?" Ethan asked, turning to the Starling beside him. "I was just-"

"No buts Ethan."

"Proof... hmmm." Nicholas mused. "Who here knows that Adonis," He gestured to a red-brown Starling in the corner. "Used to dream about his crush in his sleep and yell it out loud."

"Woah Woah Woah," Adonis said, standing up. "I told you NOT TO TELL ANYONE!"

"Oh, now you believe I'm Nicholas," Nicholas said. "Well too bad."

"What happened while we were gone?" A Starling said. He had pink hair and was taller than anyone else in the room.

"I'll catch you up, guys," Nicholas said. "Also, Beckett, did your hair grow more? I feel like I'm being blinded by the pink."

"Ugh." The pink-haired Starling grumbled. "He is Nicholas... back to his old teasing."

After they were caught up with everything, Sir Pluto spoke up.

"Because of Cyrus graduating, we've found the next Starling for the job." He said sadly. 'I'll go get the Starling ready for everyone."

"Ok." Everyone said in unison.

As Sir Pluto left, the 7 others gazed at Nicholas.

"So, Aiden," Grayson said. "He's gone?"

"Yeah," Nicholas said. "I... I saw him die... I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Jonathan, the yellow one, said. "He deserved it. Though it was unfortunate, not being able to save him."

"I know..." Nicholas said. "But he wasn't him anymore. The Aiden we knew... he's gone."

"So..." Libby said. "What are you two's deal?" She asked Grayson and Ethan, who were practically cuddling.

"Oh. they're a couple." Adonis said. "They're engaged; Grayson proposed not too long ago."

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