More to the Prophecy?

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The Star Darlings opened the door of Lady Stella's office, expecting her to be in the room. However, they found it to be deserted and empty.

"Huh?" Astra asked. "Where is she? I thought there was a meeting."

"Maybe it was a missend?" Cassie suggested.

Vega shook her head. "No way the systems will missend a message that important. Maybe she had a situation to deal with and will be here soon?"

"So let's just wait here," Piper said, gesturing to the seats. "Does anyone have an activity anytime soon?"

Everyone shook heads.

"So we'll just wait here," Piper said, taking a seat.

The others followed her example, taking a seat in their usual spots. Cassie opened the book in her arms, Clover listened to music, Vega continued work on her puzzles and Astra pounced her star-ball from her seat against the wall.

The door opened, and Lady Stella walked into the room, her usual expression etched on her face.

"Hello, girls," she said, smiling. "You all received my message?"

Everyone nodded.

Lady Stella took a seat. "This may take a bit to explain, my Darlings."

"What is it?" Gemma asked. "Is it another wish-orb?"

"Gemma!" Tessa chided.

Lady Stella only smiled. "No, Gemma. It's not another wish-orb. And before you all interrupt me, let me continue." she pressed a button on the table, displaying a picture of Starland.

"One of the biggest problems about wish-granting is that it's excluded to one gender." Lady Stella began. "The male gender on Wish-World... We've had a hard time granting their wishes. Of course, there are always lucky exceptions, but boys on Wish-World are... difficult. The society on Wish-World has always been harsh on them, to the point where these young Wishers don't feel comfortable about sharing anything to even their family members."

"Not even their own family?" Clover asked. "But why would they do that?"

"We don't understand that, but we know one thing." Lady Stella sighed. "A female wish granter can seldom grant a male wisher's wish. The missions that do succeed don't grant that much wish-energy."

"From experience, male wishers had grown up being told that to never, ever show their emotions." Lady Stella said. "That makes it hard to even achieve the next step of discovering the wish, much less grant it. However, we have found success in male wish-granters and male-wishers."

"Before any plans of the Star Darlings-- you 12--, plans had already gone underway of trying young male Starlings granting male wishling wishes." Lady Stella explained. "That program began 3 years ago."

"Are you saying that there's another set of Starlings like us?" Sage asked. "Ones that are boys?"

Lady Stella nodded. "Since the beginning of that program, we've seen more and more of a success granting wishes. However, it did not go under the radar."

"Rancora?" Astra suggested. Lady Stella nodded.

"On a technicality, they count as Star Darlings." Lady Stella continued. "Which is why I planned a meeting today for the two groups to meet."

She swiped right on the hologram projected, revealing a profile with a picture and words scribbled underneath. Student Reports.

"The program gathered 12 boys from Starling Prep, the brother school of Starling Academy." Lady Stella continued. "I met with Sir Pluto, the Headmaster of Starling Prep, and selected them myself."

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