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Ok. I may have written the wrong word. It was meant to implode, not explode. Sorry.

So, Nicholas's cup imploded. The cup was crushed under the strength of Nicholas's powers. If it had exploded, it would have killed everyone in the room, including Nicholas himself.

The cup turned into a lump of ice, and it was continually squished and squashed in the form of a fidget ball. I guess it was pretty handy to be able to shape ice, huh?

"Nicholas, calm down." Sir Pluto said. "I know that you are the strongest one here, even compared to me. However, I want to inform you that Rancora is still out there. Do you want-"

"Fine." Nicholas snapped. "I'll do it for him. But only for that reason."

"Who are you talking about?" Gemma interrupted. " Who is Sir Pluto talking about that convinces him to stay? Also, what do you mean he's more powerful than all of us combined? And-"

"Can you tell her to shut up?!?!" Nicholas said. "I don't like to talk about it. I hate it when people ask so many questions about my life. I understand about them being why I look like this, but nothing else. It's my pet peeve."


"The point is. I don't want any more questions about me unless it's necessary." Nicholas said. "Now. Where are the papers signed?"

After the meeting ended, the 24 Star Darlings went to their own clubs, programs, or just hung out.

Piper went to the Glorange Grove yet again for meditation and was surprised to find Nicholas there as well.

The icy boy travelled up the path, further than Piper dared. The path led straight into the valleys of the Crystal Mountains, where monsters lived. You would be surprised to hear about monsters, but they are a thing of the past; except in the Crystal Valleys, which had been untouched by Starlings for millions of years.

Nicholas followed a trail that led away from the real path, a trail that led to the Crystal Lake, downhill to the riverbank. Piper followed, curious about where he's going.

The trail led to a small dock by the lake, concealed by trees. However, it did have an amazing view of the lake, the sparkling waters reflecting the sun. Piper could only guess how pretty the lake looked during the last hours of the day, and even during the night, where all the stars appear, lighting up the sky with their sparkling twinkles.

Piper did an involuntary gasp at the beauty of the lake, and Nicholas turned and saw her looking at the lake.

"Hi," Nicholas said, scaring the star out of her. "Did you follow me?"

"Um, yeah, sorry about that," Piper mumbled, embarrassed. "I was just curious what you were doing in the forbidden forest? What if you met a monster?"

Nicholas smiled. "Being literal ice has its advantages. I'm impervious to pain, as long as I'm not smashed into pieces. I can hold my own against multiple monsters if I have to. Also, how did you expect me to find this place? I was chased here by a monster while exploring the forest. I destroyed him and ever since the monsters always avoid this place. I have it to myself, until today."


"Anyways," Nicholas said. "Let me guess, you are gonna use this place to meditate?"

"I was thinking about that, but you decide," Piper answered. "You discovered it, after all."

"Yeah, the others that knew this place existed are now out in the world, so why not."

Approved, Piper sat down on the side of the dock, legs dangling over the water. Nicholas sat down on the other side of the dock.

"You know, she didn't mean it," Piper said.

"What do you mean?"

"Gemma. She didn't mean to probe you so much. She's just curious. I want to apologize to her."

"It's alright. I just like my privacy."

Nicholas rolled out a meditation mat, surprising Piper

"You meditate?" Piper asked. "I didn't... expect that."

"Don't judge a Starling by their glow" Nicholas replied. "I got into meditating after I got mad at my brother once. It helps."

He didn't add the "with not absolutely destroying him" part.

"When did you join the Star Darlings? I heard Lady Stella congratulated some of you for being on the team for years."

"Since I was the first year. There were other third and fourth years when I was here, but most moved on to Wish-Granting. Cyrus is the oldest one here, and I'm second."

"Wait, so you mean some of you only have a couple of months of practice, yet some of you have stayed for years?"

"Yeah. It's also handy for the new Star Darlings, as we have some here who can teach them the skills for wish-granting, instead of only our mentors. It's handier."

"How many have you gone on?"

"Gone on what?"

"Wish Missions. You have to have gone on at least one in your years here, right?"

"Everyone went on one. But some, like me, went on more missions than others. I have 12 in total."

"That much? Impressive"

"Cyrus has been on 15"

"But how do you hide? Does your Wish Pendant do that? Wishlings are weird, but they will realize that you are literal ice."

Nicholas pulled out his Star-zap. Without a word, he selected a photo of him on Wish-World. He had pale, pale skin, paler than Wishing Piper had met. He still had that cold aura, but less intensive and more Wishling-friendly.


"Now. I want some time alone. You could join if you want."

"Friends?" Piper asked, holding out her hands.


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