Scott's Greatest Fear

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Scott played on the bed of his booth. 1 day had passed since the whole 'kidnapping' thing where Nicholas had killed Dutch. Now they were on their way to a rather familiar coastal fishing town in the east, where Scott grew up. He'd hoped they wouldn't go here, but it seems the trip is going to all the places the male SD grew up, as they'd visited Andrew's hometown, and now they're on their way to Scott's. And Percy's. He'd met Percy once when he went to the local elementary school there. Percy was the shy, be-alone type of guy, while Scott was more popular due to his parents.

Why? Well, his parents were (read: were) famous musicians. After almost a decade of playing in bands together, they fell in love and started their band and played for another 3 decades. They had 4 children, 3 of which are already adults and out in the world. The last, and youngest, was Scott. His brothers and sister all followed their mother and father; becoming musicians. Scott wanted nothing of that. He wanted to sing. Or if it's impossible, be normal. So, at age 15, he fell out with his parents, who wanted to send him to a special school for music and instruments. However, once he found out about it, he took things into his own hands and he hacked his parent's account and enrolled himself in Starling Prep. His parents didn't find out until 4 months later when they asked the Headmistress of the music school how Scott's doing. Then they figured out that he wasn't there and found out about him being enrolled in Starling Prep.

Then came some giant dramatic arguments, some in person, but he managed to win the debates, though his parents still pretty much disowned him, though they'd probably forgiven him already and are just waiting for him to be 'mama and papa's good boy' again. He swore never to return, and now-

"Hey, Scott!" Leona's voice echoed through his booth. Scott looked up from his trance-like state. "What were you thinking?" She asked. "I called your name 2 times!"

"Just thinking." he sat up, and Leona sat beside him.

"What's bothering you?" Leona asked. "Aren't you going home? I expected you to be a lot more... excited I guess."

"I kinda... fell out with my parents," he admitted. He told her everything that's happened.

"I could... Well, I can't relate, but Scarlet sure can. Her parents wanted much of her, set high expectations, but in the end, we have our own needs and wants our wishes and dreams." Leona said.

"I thought you and Scarlet were nemeses'."

"We are. I learned it one day while scanning through some... classified documents."

"You don't strike me as a spying type."

"Most don't."

"Hmph." Scott grimaced, a thought just surfacing in his mind. "Leona... if we happen to meet my parents... Don't take offence to what they say, alright? They might be judgemental, but they just want the best for me."

"Alright," Leona said, smiling. "You say that after you say you hate your parents? Cool."

"I do hate them," Scott admitted. "They do want the best for me, but as you said: high expectations. They want the best for me so much they'll neglect my dreams and wishes, which is why I hate them; they want too much control on my life."

"Come on, cheer up," Leona said, pecking him on the cheek. "I'll help; don't worry."

Scott and Leona were what you could say 'love at first sight (SO cliche). They've had feelings for each other when they first met, but only started dating when the trip started. Of all the SDs, they are probably the fastest to share the first kiss. Maybe. Ganymede and Libby might.

The announcer called: "Starland to Leona, Starlandto Leona. Please stop kissing Scott and back to your seat; we are experiencing rough terrain." Libby's voice called. Leona flushed gold. "How does she know I kissed you? That girl... well, I'll see you later."

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