A Trip of a Lifetime

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"Lady Stella!" Sage yelled. She rushed into the room, face red with embarrassment. "Sorry I'm late, I was-"

"No worries, Sage." Lady Stella said, an amused expression on her face.

The 23 others looked away as she took her seat near Nico.

Lady Stella called a meeting 2 hours ago, and all the other SD already arrived. However, Sage was still recovering from the Smiggle fangs from 2 days ago and slept in.

"Now the reason I called all of you here is that I have offers of a once in a lifetime opportunity; a free trip around Starland."

"NO WAY!" Tessa yelled. "I ALWAYS WANTED TO GO!"

"Hmph." Scarlet snorted, not impressed. "What's so good about this? It's not like there's anything good."

"There is a trip to the Northern Mountains, which offers climbing for free."

"Huh," Scarlet muttered. "I'll think about it..."

"Wait, do we have to go by what the trip says? Like, do we have to go that near HOME?" Nicholas asked.


"Damn. whatever. At least it's near my grand's refuge. As long as we don't have to go to Polar Peak, I'm good."

"You do, though."


Piper and Nicholas locked eyes, and for a moment, seemed to have a secret conversation via eye contact.

"How long is this?" Vega asked. "If it goes into school, then I'm certainly not going."

"It's only for a month and a week; the school will start one week after you get back, giving you plenty of time to get ready for school."


"Ok, just to answer your questions, I'll pass around brochures for info." Lady Stella said, and 2 dozen brochures floated to the SD's hands.

"Oooooooo," Leona whispered. "Scott, look! There's a music consort!"

"Really?" Clover asked, scanning the brochure. "It's true!"

"I'm not a travelling person..." Cassie murmured. "Uh, wait! There's a chance to go to the Library in New Prism! I'm going!"

"We can go there?" Hector asked. "Say no more, I'm in!"

"I'm in as well!" Percy piped up.

"It's not like I have anything to lose," Tessa said. "I always wanted to go."

One by one, the SD all admitted they wanted to go on this trip.

"Alright. You all pack up, and meet me at the front door on the day after tomorrow."

The SD walked out of the room, dreaming about the next month. This was the best thing ever to experience, right?

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