Something to do With Nicholas!

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Nicholas understood what the ghost meant by "Helps with your sanity". As he walked down the hallway, he could feel the thoughts of the ancient Grandmasters, each one of them. Memories of Starland during their time washed over him. Even worse, there seemed to be some sort of song, or a melody of one, that seems to be playing in the background, soothing and making him drowsy. If not for Piper, he would have already lost his mind. She was the only thing keeping him there; she was like his anchor to sanity.

Piper squeezed his hand. "You're not the only one hearing that, Nicholas." She whispered.

Nicholas smiled. "Just be ready; they might request out of me, and you might be used as bait."


They stopped at a door made of ice, transparent enough for them to know what was on the other side. It was a massive room, with little cubbies with Power Crystals in them. The song was louder than ever, but Piper kept Nicholas from insanity.

They opened the door. The singing strangely... stopped. As soon as they made themselves present, the song stopped, making it bearable for the 2.

One of the yellow Power Crystals started floating towards them, taking shape in a humanoid. His features were blank as if he'd left his physical body so much that only his mind remained.

Hello. It said. Its voice didn't even sound like a Starling. It sounded ancient and young, male and female, wise yet innocent. There was no way of determining who he or she was. And instead of communicating via voice, it communicated through thoughts and feelings.

Hello? Nicholas asked carefully. Who are you?

That is a question we can't answer. Another voice called. A blue Power Crystal said. We were here for so long...

So... Piper asked politely. What do you want from us?

More like what he wants from us. The yellow Power Crystal pointed at Nicholas.

What do you mean?

He means your grandfather. A red crystal said. He came to us 6 years ago. Hoping to get a favour.

What's the favour?

He asked us if it was possible to cure you of what you are now. Another said.

What? Nicholas thought. I-I can be cured?

Yes, Nicholas.

But if he asked for the favour 6 years ago, why is it only now you contact him? Piper asked.

Because nothing good comes without a price, Piper. We agreed to cure him... as long as he can fulfill 5 different things until we deemed him worthy.

What are those things?

We don't remember; we set up a spell that tells us whether something is happening or not. Not too long ago, it rang; telling us you are worthy of what your grandfather asked for.

Nicholas thought of that for a bit. Can... may I alter the terms?


They said my grandfather isn't here; is there any way he can come here?

Piper looked at him, eyes looking as if she was betrayed. NICHOLAS! Why would you turn down this chance? To be normal??!?!?!

I-I just... Nicholas stuttered. He'd never seen Piper this mad at him before, and it hurt his heart to see the expression of betrayal on her face.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA The crystals laughed. Oh, I can't... the look! Oh, stars and moons...

What? Nicholas asked.

That was the last test. They said. To see if you are selfless enough. And you succeeded!!! Unfortunately, your Grandfather has chosen the Afterglow; he was offered the choice, but he didn't. We also wouldn't have granted that wish; your grandfather made it very clear that you can't alter the terms and change it to something like that; it has to be what he asked.


Here we go then! Prepare to start changing in...5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

Nicholas suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck, where he was bitten 7 years ago.

"AAH!" He screamed. It felt like he was being burned alive.

"Nicholas!" Piper said, rushing to his side.

Oh, we forgot to mention that it'll hurt for a bit. Now it should be gone.

"Thanks for that warning," Nicholas said. "Ouch."

Now, once you leave this cave, the memory of us will disappear, and so will the cave's location. You'll only know that you got cured and so will your friends. Get out. They flicked their fingers, and Piper and Nicholas were teleported to the door.

Walking out of the cavern, Nicholas couldn't bring himself to hold Piper's hand. The memory of her expression was seared into his mind.

"Piper... I'm sorry..." He started before trailing off after meeting Piper's eyes. They were near tears. "I'm sorry I asked for my grandfather to" he was interrupted by Piper's lips crashing into his, the most effective way to shut him up.

"Don't ever do that again," Piper whispered after pulling away. "You constantly give yourself the worst of both worlds; I hate it. I always feel like you're hurting yourself when you do. Please."

"I will Piper." Nicholas kissed her again. "I promise."

"Good." the 2 stood there for a while in silence, both at a loss for words.

"Do you feel... any different?"

"No... but I do feel a lot colder for some reasons."

"Meaning your ice qualities are wearing off," Piper said, smiling.


"Come on; the others are still-" she was cut off by Libby's scream. The next thing they know, a maniacal laugh echoed through the cave.

This is a freaking triple update... think about it... THREE UPDATES A DAY!!! TELL ME A WRITER THAT WAS ABLE TO DO THAT!!! I guess it is 9 pm but whatever. I left the cliffhanger there, so feel free to smack a desk or something. the next chapter's coming out in (Maybe) a few days considering I have school and I won't come back to my computer till 3 pm, which is when I'll start writing. This is only the climax, not the ending btw. I still have things planned for this story.

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