Speaking of the Stars...

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Scott followed his brothers and sister to their dressing room/ preparing space (I don't know), the awkwardness threatening to kill him.

They entered the big space, where their instruments were. Selene's saxophone, Santiago's trumpet, and Samuel's giant tuba.

"Sit," Selene said, gesturing to the couches (They have couches in there? Wow. Fancy *in a French accent*).

They all sat, glaring at Scott with the heat of a thousand stars as if he'd offended them (Oh wait...)

"Spill," Samuel said.

Scott didn't have a choice. He told them everything, from how he hacked and enrolled into Starling Prep, and how he and Mom and Dad had fallen out. He told them why he'd done it, too.

"Great..." Santiago muttered. "So you rejected your life Mom and Dad prepared for you and instead chose a harder path."

"It might be harder, but it's happier." Scott countered. "I don't want to follow their path, unlike you guys. I've already gotten a girlfriend, lots of friends--"

"WAIT!!!" Selene yelled. "YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?!?!?!"

"Yeah... that was the golden girl you just shooed away."

"Sorry..." Selene muttered. "I didn't know..."

"It's ok."

"So, are you coming back?" Samuel asked. "You disappeared for about 2 years... meaning you're only a second year. Did ya drop out?"

"No," Scott said. "It's the Time of Lumiere. The school offered me a free trip around Starland."

"Oh." Samuel slumped, disappointed that his little brother wouldn't come back. Of all the siblings, he had the best relationship with Scott. Mainly because they're the 2 youngest.

"I promise I'll visit though."

That seemed to calm them down a bit.

"So... Selene said. "What are your next plans?"

"I'm not sure," Scott admitted. "After this, I have to meet my friends for a tour around the town, maybe even go Star-Diving."

"No, like in the future," Santiago said. "When are you going to face Mom and Dad? You can't hide forever."

"I'm not sure---"

"Son?" an all-too-familiar voice called.

Speaking of the stars... there they are. Scott thought. FUCK!!!

Standing in the doorway, was his Father, dressed in his usual beige sweater and beside him, was his mother, dressed in her favourite green dress. She was holding a bag, which probably was his sibling's lunch

"MY SON!!!" His mother yelled. "YOU'RE BACK!!!"

"I KNEW YOU'D COME BACK!!!" His father yelled, and the 2 charged Scott and crushed him in an embrace that would make Tyson the Cyclops proud (Wait... who's that?).

"MY SON!!!" His mother said sweetly. "Are you coming home at last?"

"No, you have to wait another 2 years," Scott stated blankly. "I'm only here for a special school trip."

"Awww..." His father groaned, disappointed.

"Let's not linger on this!" His mother snapped before his father could complain. "While he's here, let's celebrate!!!"

"We don't need to do that-" Selene started before Scott was dragged (read: DRAGGED) outside, and towards the front door. Santiago, Samuel, and Selene followed.

Star Darlings; the Other 12Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon