Chapter 1

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Make sure you have read the introduction chapter 🖤


Jungkook hates life. Not just hypothetically speaking, he literally hates everything about it. Where he lives, his food, where he goes to school, his clothes... the people. Yeah, people are the worst. 

You might wonder why Jungkook hates life, but once you look at his, it actually isn't that hard to figure out. The boy, at the mare age of 18, has never had a good day since he was born. The day he was actually brought to life; he was left in a curb to die. When he got found, it was a merchant who thought he could get some cash from selling a kid. Turned out that was harder than expected, so Jungkook was left on the street when he was 8 years old to once again, die.

In the serious need of somewhere to live, he started looking for a job. He got his first job when he turned 10 years and has been working there ever since. It's in a store as a package-man or whatever brainless name they like to call him, he just sits in the garage behind the store and puts food into boxes which will get send to the rich part of town. In that part, he also goes to school.

Aside from being the worst fucking ever attempt of a society known to mankind, this stupid city actually decided to prioritize school for all kids, no matter wealth or lifestyle. Probably because that would lower the amount of people who would try to find a job and therefore 'bother' the rich people.

Those arrogant pricks should try living in a one room apartment in the worst part of town so they could actually feel how it is to live in literal hell. Jungkook just wants to shove a foot up their ass and hope they die from the post-traumatic-stress. 

Jungkook doesn't keep it a secret that he hates everything in this place. He has never tried to make a friend, never wanted to... and for the most part he has never even considered getting into a wing fight in order to win some money. Everyone seems to love wing fights which is the most preferred way to make an income here. 

Jungkook hasn't tried because he knows his guardian angel is probably a piece of garbage just like he is. Therefore, he has never accepted a fight which would call his guardian angel to protect him, simply because he doesn't want to have some useless dude walk around with him all the time. He's fine alone. People in his social class rarely calls for their guardian angels because the chances of them getting a grey winged angel are terrifyingly high. Some do it just to have a helping hand in their house and some do it out of loneliness. 

Jungkook has never bothered to look into the angels much. He knows the basics and therefore he also knows that he will be getting a grey angel. It's not known to mankind why they one day die and get chosen to be a certain colored angel... the angels aren't allowed to tell unless they have been guided to do so or some other bullshit Jungkook has decided to look past. He isn't going to have a guardian angel so why fucking bother learning about them?

It's currently 9 pm and Jungkook is on his way to his permanent living flat (that dump of a fixer-upper will never be categorized as his home). He just packed 5354 boxes of cereal for the rich city and what did he get for it? 20 dollars. 6 hours of work got him 20 dollars!? Fuck this place, honestly.

The times have changed a lot. Jungkook has read in school about the world from about 20 centuries ago where everything just seemed so much easier. First of all, most people didn't believe in guardian angels or anything else super natural for that matter. They would have been better off that way now... back in those days, society wasn't split the way Jungkook's is and back then it wasn't survival of the fittest in the entire world. But unfortunately, humans showed their true colors along the way and in the end turned into the exact thing they tried to avoid. Assholes.

The world is in a terrible condition, but it's not really a surprise at this point. The humans have given up on trying to save it, so now it's just everyone for themselves. It's impossible to trust others and most of the time people just ignore each other. Jungkook is okay with that, he doesn't want people to mess with his business anyway, only if they give him money in return.

Jungkook has given himself up for... quite a lot of things through the years to earn money. It's impressive how easily disgusting, perverted old men can get tricked into giving money. Jungkook just has go and take his clothes off most of the time and they will give him all they have. He doesn't feel comfortable about it at all, but in this world it doesn't matter if you're comfortable or not. If you want dinner on the table, you do what you have to do.

Jungkook rubs a hand over his shoulder to try and soothen the pain that has been running through it all day. With tired steps he makes it down the road and he sees his apartment by the top of the hill. It looks like a abanded worehouse. With a sigh he walks the last few meters and spots a certain someone in the door that he does not want to be bothered by right now.

Jung Hoseok. A guy with way too much positive energy for this place and unfortunately Jungkook ended up having this walking ball of sunshine as his neighbour. Hoseok is currently speaking with someone else and therefore he has his back towards Jungkook. The younger sees this as the perfect oppertunity to sneak by which he does, keeping an eye on Hoseok the entire time. Somehow, he manages without the other noticing and he hurries his way up the stairs.

Just saved himself a whole conversation there.

He makes it inside his small one room apartment and throws his key on the kitchen counter. He immedietly grabs some cup noddles in the cabinet and fills the small electric kettle to heat up some water. Meanwhile, he quickly walks into his miniature bathroom and jumps in a cold shower. Many would wonder how on earth he could turn on the kettle while showering, but to save money he only showers for two minutes and even less if possible. His phone (the oldest model at the planet) has a timer set to make sure he gets out in time. So surprisingly, he's done before the kettle is.

He puts on his other set of clothes and throws the rest in the sink so he can clean it later.

The noodles taste just as terrible as they usually do, but Jungkook has gotten used to it by now. He takes a glass of water beside it and starts getting ready for bed. He only eats two meals the entire day and both of them consists of food to less than 3 dollars and a glass of water. Therefore, it's no surprise that Jungkook is extremely skinny, but he somewhat keeps his muscles because of work.

After brushing his teeth and staring into a cement wall for a good 30 minutes, he lies down on the stone-hard bed, drags his blanket over him and tries to fall asleep before it gets too late.


This chap is so depressing lmao😂 It was short since it's kind of like prologue💜

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for giving it a chance💜 I will update as often as possible💜

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