Chapter 36

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Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh FUCK!

Hoseok chants the curse word inside his head as he feels himself disappear after jumping and sinking into nothing. Or at least, it feels this way. He can't believe he actually got it together and jumped into that hole of lava.

However, it's like they expected. He isn't feeling any pain. Maybe he's dead?

He doesn't get to think this for very long though when his ass collides with the cold ground beneath him and he grunts. Yikes, he didn't expect to land on something like this. Luckily it wasn't too far, so it doesn't seem like he has received any damage.

With a huff and a hand on his back, he stands up. His eyes start looking around the cave he has ended up in, taking in the weird and frightning surroundings he for some reason jumped right into.

There's barely any light, the colors are dark and scary while it's completely quiet. A little too quiet in his opinion. Hoseok feels a shiver run down his spine as he slowly starts walking down the tunnel, the sound of his steps almost making him jump with fear of his own shadow.

It does make him wonder when they decided it was a good idea to send him first. He's literally scared of anything and at the moment he's close to peeing in his pants.

But this makes him remember why he's down here in the first place. He got to find Jungkook and get him out of here.

Hoseok looks at his watch and sees that it won't be long before Yoongi is getting down here as well, so he has to hurry up. He needs to get out of here first after all.

With a painfully high puls and anxiety running through his every bone, Hoseok starts running. The corridor only has one way to go, so he doesn't even bother wondering if he's going the right way.

He feels his legs already throb, probably due to the fear he's experiencing. Luckily, it seems to be as they expect - nothing has attacked him yet, which means he probably hasn't been noticed.

Hoseok is just a weak human after all, but that doesn't stop him from being a hella good runner and rushing down the corridor faster than expected.

His eyes are momentarily looking around since the area is surprisingly familiar to him. It looks like some of the places he has seen in his dream.

At this point, he's convinced he's mentally unstable from everything that has been going on.

The male shakes his head. He doesn't have time to think about this shit right now.

The heat he's feeling around him is making sweat run down the side of his face, so he quickly dries it away to his best ability. His eyes are skimming around the area, trying to take in everything that dares to move.

Smaller tunnels are starting to appear on each side of him, but he decides to just stick to the main one. He has an idea Diabolos would want the road to him to be big and centered because how else should a demon king be treated? Exactly, he's too selfish to think smart about this.

Hoseok seems to have everything going for him as he rushes down the hall, right until something stands before him. This something hasn't seen him yet and Hoseok physically feels how his heart just skips a beat in fright.

He has no goddamn clue what that thing is, but it's small, red and disgusting. It has big ears and teeth and it's hands are being held in a weird position before it's chest.

Hoseok stops.

He puts a hand over his mouth and holds his breath. The small demon is occupied with some sort of animal that's crawling on the wall, probably trying to eat the thing.

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