Chapter 40

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Jin falls down on his butt as soon as he's back on earth, his arms behind him to keep him seated and his eyes completely blown wide.

What... what just happened?

Oh fuck. Jungkook freaking ran from him? That selfish yet selfless little dumbass.

"Where's Jungkook?" Jimin is the first to asks. No one answers, probably because they are all in too much dispair from this failed mission. They all saw Jungkook's tantrum after all.

"Where." Jimin walks closer to Jin, "is." he grabs the male's collar, "Jungkook?"

A smile is on his face, but it's not a happy smile... it's a tell-me-Jungkook-is-still-down-there-and-I-will-kill-you type of smile.

Jin closes his eyes and swallows deeply, not even having the fucking energy to answer the golden-winged angel. It's not like his life is going to matter anyway, they are all going to die soon.

"You give the man one thing he likes and now he can't fucking let it go! Oh my god, this is for the sake of not only mankind, but everyone else too," Jimin sits down and places his hands on his head, "is he a fucking psychopath or what?"

"Probably," Namjoon sighs. All of them saw how Jungkook was acting down there, so honestly they are not that surprised.

Disappointed? Sure. Surprised? Nope, not at all.

"Why would he do that? Ugh, why's he suddenly playing the hero! I didn't think he was stupid, he's too good for that," Jimin says in frustration and kicks the grass.

Jimin is right, Jungkook was never one to play the hero. He was an asshole in the past, sure, but surprisingly never really stupid. Actually, there's quite a golden mind captured in there, plus he's fucking immortal so he got everything going for him it seems.

So why would he do that? Because of love ~ that's what everyone would think, right? But for some reason, this whole thing is starting to bother Jin specifically.

Jimin is completely right, Jungkook is not that stupid.

"He took my walkie talkie before running off... what if he got a plan?" Jin asks out his thoughts.

If Jungkook was just running in there blindly because of love there wouldn't really be a reason for him to grab it. Especially not when it could possibly have given Jin an extra chance to catch him, meaning he wants the walkie talkie for a specific reason.

"Why would he need that?" Namjoon ask too and quickly grabs his own. He click on the button that opens the line for Jin's walkie talkie, "Jungkook? Jungkook, can your hear us??"

No reply.

Namjoon tries again. And again. And again... but nothing happens.

"Did he turn it off?" Hoseok asks.

"Why would he turn it off though?" Namjoon questions.

"Maybe he's trying to sneak in there? He's probably aware we would figure out he still has it? So in order to not be noticed, he turned it off... for now," Jin says, "he will probably need it later..."

Jin grabs his chin and thinks over the theories, "If he got a plan, he will probably use it to get us to bring them back out."

"But it's useless, Taehyung can't get out. His time limit ran out hours ago," Namjoon says with a frown.

"Meaning," Jimin breaks in, "the idiot got a plan to defeat Diabolos... goddammit."


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