34. Madness

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Holy. Mother. Fucker.

I'll be serious.

I didn't know what got over me when I kissed the living day lights out of her. Her lips were just as soft and delectable as I imagined after our first time in her father's study. That day, this cunning vixen taunted me, coaxed me into breaking my promise I made with myself.

Never fucking kiss anyone after Jess.

It was fucking stupid that I fell for it hook, line and sinker. It wasn't that much of a seduction and I know what top notch seduction techniques are. It was just her-Bae fucking Joohyun.

Her voice, that low lilt of her fucking smooth voice, laced with desire and everything sinful.

She was my undoing. And a pretty fucked one at that. I, not only kissed her but made sure she couldn't walk properly the whole day. It was inevitable. Her whole presence makes me quiver with need, even if I didn't show it.

This day too, when I saw her in Pilsoo's office, looking breathtaking and alluring to the core, I wanted to have her. Again and again and again. I couldn't wait to get out of there, away from the sour faces and just get this whole shit over with.

I made it to the parking lot in whole piece, grabbing her hand and taking her away from the miserable fucks. Once I was alone with her, I couldn't control it.

Her lips.

I had a taste of her once and I, sure as hell, won't stop now. Those lips were mine to devour. Every single time of the day. Whenever I wanted it.

I just hope she doesn't get pissed off later and propose a troublesome deal where I could touch her only when she wanted it. I mean, I'm fine with that but I don't think I can trust myself to be a saint and not swallow her when she would strut in front me, a gorgeous piece of well crafted art, 24/7.

Fuck, Jin. When did you start being so whipped?

With all the formalities done, I pounced on her the moment she got in the car.

She was irresistible. I could barely have a hold on myself today.

Was it Joohyun? Or the whole murkiness of the situation I was dragged into?

Marriage was no way in my fucking cards. Yet, it happened. The one thing I detested, I had to to do-to uphold my assets and my company. A pretty fucked up thing to do when an unwitting person is dragged into.

In this case, it was Bae Joohyun. My fucking wife.

I scoffed. It feels weird acknowledging it out loud.

If she hadn't stopped me at one point, I was sure I was going to take her. Then and there. In my car.

I was driving now, my eyes trained on the road ahead. I could feel her eyes on me the whole time. After a long stretch of unnecessary silence, I spoke, "What are you looking at?"

She looked a bit taken aback but quickly composed herself and said, "You, of course."

"Fair enough." I shrugged. "I'm yours to look at now."

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