28. Unhinged

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No matter how many times I see her, she always manages to take my breath away.


Those long legs wrapped in a thin skirt, that pristine white blouse, the total opposite of her voracious dirty mind-she looked real and fucking beautiful, strutting confidently inside the room like the boss she was.

I couldn't help but rove my eyes over her, absentmindedly licking my lips in the process.

She really knew how to awaken the lustful beast inside me. I swear if her father wasn't there with us, I would've grabbed her the moment she entered the office and fucked her beyond sense right by that same door she walked in.

That's what she does to me.

Fucking little vixen.

I smoked the last remaining cigarette and crushed it between my fingers.

"So how was it?" Hoseok said.

We were in my office now.

I called him here after having the talk with Bae Pilsoo a few hours ago.

I chuckled at the memory. The old man was furious when I disclosed his daughter's scandalous actions to him.

"What are you talking about?" He was seething in controlled rage but his eyes were giving away his ire.

"You heard right, Sir. It is Bae Joohyun I wish to marry, not Areum. After all, it's the only moral thing to do." I said.

"Don't go on rattling morals to me, Seokjin. I know what morals you must have imbibed from your elders. It is no secret that you had a father who was far from anything closely associated to morals, like you speak."

I clenched my jaw.

That fucking old man. Who? Dont ask me.

"You're right," I said and leaned back on the chair. "Who I've slept with is none of your business or your daughters'. I don't find Bae Areum to be of any benefit to me. She is just a puppet in your hands."


"She is quite valuable to you and I'm sure you will find someone more liable and worthy in terms of price than me. I have no interest in her. On the other hand, Bae Joohyun, your youngest daughter.." I paused and looked him straight in the eye. "..is far more beneficial to me. And don't forget, I already had a taste of her."

Bae suddenly stood up and slammed his hands on the desk.


I chuckled. "What's wrong, Bae? She isn't even your real daughter."

When I said that, Bae Pilsoo turned white as chalk. Horror replaced his features and he stared at me as if he had seen a fucking ghost. He totally didn't expect this.

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