16. Wrapped

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Stone cold silence.

I stood in the empty suite, alone and with a raging hard on, feeling like a noob.

An insufferable fucking idiot.

She left a few minutes ago, her haughty heels clicking on the marble floor, sashaying in that blood red dress which was wrapping her body like a silk glove.

She knows how to work my bloody nerves. That sadistic vixen.

If seeing her in that dress earlier wasn't enough, the sight of her dancing among those uninhibited bodies on the floor was the final nail in the coffin.

She was so perfect there, swaying her hips and moving that fucking body in the most graceful way.

God. I was enthralled by her. It was an otherworldly feeling watching her. It was like gazing at a nymph in her element who was ready to embrace herself and everything that she was capable of. An addicting, empowering persona.

And when I saw her being dragged away by that piece of Jeon shit, I saw red.

Pure, unadulterated rage swept through me and I followed them into the hallway where I saw Jeon feeling her through his disgusting hands.

I could have murdered him or best, had his body cut up and thrown in the river. But that would have been far-fetched.

His father was an important client and inflicting a few bruises and broken bones for his uncalled behaviour was more than enough to make my point across and not jeopardize our business relations.

I bet Hoseok is handling that fine now.

I took a huge gulp of my drink, feeling its bitterness crawling in my throat and chest. It was the least I could do.

My dick was hard and throbbing and I smoothed my palm on it over my pants, relieving a tiny bit of tension.


I groaned heavily, my breathing turning ragged and heavy.

My hand was moving on its own, pleasure coursing through my veins. If Joohyun wasn't complying, it meant she was invested in this stupid fiasco created by her.

I, on the other hand, felt it unnecessary. Sex was an exercise to me. A pleasure filled workout between two bodies, an out of control act, wild and abandoned in desire.

If a woman likes to share that passion, I am no one to judge her. Because that's one sole thing which attracts me to her.

Of all the women I had sex with, they shared one definite thing in common: an unfiltered desire to abandon themselves.

Young, naive girls bored me. Virgins were a strict no. Married women were a gift to mankind. Experienced bitches were gold.

My expectations never failed me. Except once. And that was when a hot fiery breathing pit fire of sensuality named Bae Joohyun had her way with me.

I still get angry over the fact that she had me somehow wrapped around her prim little finger by having sex with me first, making me comply to her whims and letting her take over me.

Her innocence and devilish charms were a lethal force. It was fun unraveling her that night.

My first after a long time.

My breathing got harsh as I palmed myself more rigorously, imagining her lithe body, wrapped around me, twisting and writhing beneath me, my dick pounding into her till she lost all sense of the world and her scream when she reached her climax....
making me come all over my hand.

I panted and exhaled a long one. My pants, all slobbered with my load.

What a fucking mess.

I had to take another shower at its wake.


After I cleaned myself up and showered, I stood by the floor to wall window of my suite, wrapped in my favourite bottle green silk robe.

I lit a cigarette and smoked for a while, looking at the blinking citylights sprawled in front of my eyes.


I loved this city. Its quiet yet bustling nights, a personality of its own. Life existed in every inch of it. Between the flowers and moss that popped out of the concrete sidewalk slabs, the chipped paint decorating the shops every step of the way, drunkards pissing on the corners of the pedastrian crossings-it was all a part of it.

Rich and poor, old and young, every single person had a life of its own. Some easy, some fucking hard. And no one would know except that life itself.

I heard footsteps approaching my living room, coming for me. Those boots, distinct and familiar.

"So?" I asked, still looking at the view from the glass window.

"I contacted Dr. Wang. He is tending to his injuries. I convinced him to make it look like he had an accident while driving drunk. Jeon Jungkook's medical reports are ready. And..I talked to him personally to keep this under wraps for his safety too," Hoseok walked and stood beside me, looking at the night before us.

"Good." I dragged a long smoke and exhaled it from the corner of my mouth.

"What's wrong, hyung?" He tilted his head to look at me.


"It wasn't like you to go ballistic over some misbehaving junkie, let alone a chaebol. This could cause a few repercussions if he ever opened his mouth."

I looked at him and scoffed. "That would be a problem if he ever opened his mouth, Hoseok. I'm sure your 'convincing' won't give rise to that unnecessary shit."

I smiled at him.

"Sure." Hoseok let out a sigh and turned around to fix himself a drink from the bar.

"By the way, I saw her leaving the premises way too early. I thought you'd be having fun with her now," he smirked as he sipped on his scotch.

I looked on at the sparkling city lights, glorious and breathtaking. Reminding me of her.

"Just one more meeting," I breathed as I took another puff of smoke. "And she'll be screaming my name in no time.

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