8. Into It

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I liked the way she scrunched her nose when she was thinking hard.

I like it when she thinks. Makes her look vulnerable in front of me.

Right now, it's just me and her. In this vast, almost empty room. In some discrete corner.

I was amused when she caught my stare earlier and trudged towards me. Absent-mindedly.

She was looking at me now. With those beautiful brown doe eyes of hers.

"Fine." She says it more to herself than to me. I find that quite endearing.

"That's good." I smiled at her, my hand finding itself on her soft cheek.

Soft. So fucking soft.

She was evidently surprised by my action.

I don't fucking care for some reason.

I leaned in, close to her. Her scent was driving me wild. She smelled of fresh strawberries and lime. I couldn't resist kissing her earlier. I sure as fuck won't now.


My emotions had to be controlled. Atleast here. Of all places. 

I kissed her on her cheek, soft yet firm.

I wanted to take it forward. Give her a reason to gasp and grab me. Like she did last time.

Maybe I wasn't budging. Maybe I wasn't backing off.

"S-stop." She whispered so sexily, like a fucking siren.

I felt her hands push my chest, breaking me from her spell.

I shot my eyes open and moved back a little. A slight distance between us.

She was panting lightly, her lips pink and parted. She was staring at me, all hot and irresistible.


"I'm going to leave now."

My time here was up. I had lots of work to do. Before our aforementioned date.

She nodded and cleared her throat.


I nodded in return and took long steps back, without turning around.

My eyes constant on her, like a panther.

I wanted to look at her till I left this place. Till I reached the tipping point.

I smiled at her and gave off a salute, before disappearing from the room.

Away from her.

By the time I reached my car in the basement, I was livid.

My nerves were fucking with me again and I was seeing red.

I fisted my injured hand and  banged it on the roof of my car.

I let out a pathetic wince at that.

The itch was becoming unbearable. I was this close to blowing rampaging every vehicle in my vicinity.

What fucking triggered it now?

I let out long breaths, finding my chest constricted all of a sudden.


Cigarette. Cigarette. Cigarette.

I pulled one out of my jeans and lit it up carelessly.

One puff.

Two puff.


Still not enough.

Fuck this shit.

I crushed the lit end on my hand, making sure to burn the annoying injury on it.


What a pussy.

My breathing was ragged. I could feel slight perspiration coating the backs of my ears.

I lit another cigarette and blew it out.

The smoke was calming me now, late but there.

Soon, my lungs felt light. I was fine to some extent.

The moment it all came back, it vanished.

Too soon. And too fast.

I got in my car, took a long fine drag of the cigarette, crushed it on my radio console and revved up the engine. Onto the roads.


What a day.

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