25. Destined

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"Yeah. I'll be home by dinner."

I was on the call with Taehyung. Hoseok and I were on our way to Paelea Industries now to come to a final decision about everything concerning the companies.

"I'm with Hoseok." I replied when he asked about him.

"Yeah. 8 pm then?"


"Alright." I said in final and cut the call.

"Was it Taehyung?" Hoseok asked, sitting beside me in my car.

"Hmm." I nodded.

"The house must look a bit bright because of him around, doesn't it?" He smiled at no one in particular while looking at the front.

I spared him a glance and clenched my jaw.

"He's good." I said. My head started throbbing all of a sudden.

"Can't believe it was what... fifteen years?"

I could feel my bones burning under my skin. This bastard always had to make me remember that. That accursed night.


"Time sure flies." He wasn't sensing the aura which enveloped the small space of the car. I felt suffocated.

Hoseok reminiscing about the past always brought about horrible memories. They weren't great to begin with and my actions during that time, left me with no choice but to face them anyway.

I loosened my tie and tore open the first button of my shirt. I let out a loud breath and increased the air conditioning to cool the atmosphere inside.

"You don't have to be ashamed of yourself, you know?" He said while looking out of the window watching the world pass by.

"I would have done the same thing if I were you," He continued. "After all, you saved a precious life in exchange for a viscious bastard."

That's it.

I pounded the side of my fist on the window, momentarily making the car lose control. Hoseok shrieked as it swerved a bit out of the lane and almost crashed to the streetlight ahead. A blaring of collective horns rose on the street to give him an added sense of panic but I had it control by then.

The car was running smoothly now but his heart was in shambles instead.

"What the fuck, Jin?!" He screamed while clutching his chest.

I glared at him. "I don't want your soft ass crawling up on me every fucking hour reminding me about what a noble soul I am, you got that?"

He gulped but didn't say anything and looked ahead.

I clicked my tongue and drove ahead too.

He knows. I fucking get disoriented whenever I remember that night. It was a mutual understanding between us but he always seems to forget it. It's like he tries to compensate for that act by letting me know what good came out of it.

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