22. Destructive

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"...jin hyung."


I shoot my eyes open suddenly and find Hoseok hovering over me, irritation plastering his face.

He really had to wear red today. A red suit, black tie and crocs. I swear he gives me a headache sometimes. 

I close my eyes again and let out an exasperated sigh.

"What the fuck's wrong with you? You've been zoning out on me for god knows how long." He shouts angrily.

My head is definitely not in the right mindspace and nothing is more frustrating than that.

"I don't feel well."

It's true. My body is hot and cold at the same time and I just want to sleep.

"You can't afford that right now, hyung. We are in a huge mess at the moment."

I rub my temples and try to alleviate the oncoming headache threatening to rip my head apart.

"What were you saying again?"

I hear him groan and shuffle towards his seat.

We are in my office, surrounded by insane stacks of paperwork and pending files. It would be a shame to call this an office.

What's the matter with me?

Fucking retard.

"Our company has incurred a huge loss and by huge, I mean millions. The recent merger we signed with turned out to be on the verge of bankruptcy and the calculated addition is something which could squeeze the shit out of our current turnover. In short, we are fucked up."

"I heard that part. I tuned you out when you were mentioning some shit about the gross capital."

"Why I'm touched." He gave me a sweet smile laced with poison.

"The only thing left is an alliance. And looking at you and the current state of Kim Corp, I doubt anyone would be interested. Except the chairman of Paelea Industries. He really wants you to wed his eldest daughter."

"Tell me about it." I waved him off and scoffed at the idea.

Marriage alliances were the worst kind of propositions. The children begotten from that shit always turn out peculiar.

I mean, look at me.

"I hate his guts. Hard to believe he has a hot wife and two sexy daughters. Makes me wanna castrate him."

"Hyung.." He was uneasy, clearly finding the notion distasteful.

"Just kidding, man." I chuckled. Slight relief washed over his features but that didn't quell the sour mood I just dampened ourselves with.

"This is serious, Jin. If we don't bring in results till the end of the month, the shareholders are gonna tear us limb by limb," he sighed out.

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