2. Mine To Do

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She was there. In front of me. In all her beautiful glory.

My eyes were drawn to her like an alcoholic's dream. A fleeting vision.

I never understood what it was about her which made me so restless, barbaric even. Her beauty was never a priority. She possessed some pretty normal features. That same nose, distant eyes, those arching cheekbones.
And my favourite part of her.. her lips.

The moment I saw her that day, at the entrance of The Gala, all poised and graceful, strutting with that delicious sway of her hips, I knew I had to have her.

Possess her.

Make her mine.

"Tough luck, huh?" Hoseok whispers next to me.

I don't look at him. My eyes are following her every move. The way she walks, talks, her giggles, the slight indentations in her cheeks, her hands flitting around her when she wants to make her point, her eyes.. they are beautiful, yet lifeless.

I vividly remember when our eyes met that day. I did not fail to catch the obvious surprise and, of course, admiration in them when she looked at me. It was almost comical when she was startled by that rude pipsqueak who called out her name.

She wanted me.

I find myself smirking. This is going to be more enjoyable than I thought.

"Not at all." I drawl casually, totally amused in the situation at hand.

We were at this formal event, hosted by my father's company.

The usual stuff.

Bigwigs joining together, establishing numerous contacts, expanding their social circles and finding people to hookup.

Let's face it.

Gaining momentum in this cutthroat world of business and competition has its own benefit and pleasure. If you have a considerable amount of healthy connection among us rich, you may as well get away with something as simple as murder.

Which is why I am here now, acting as my father's substitute, commemorating the new Leysan Hotel which will soon be operating under my leadership.

My father must be fucking one of his many whores at the moment in one of the suites of this hotel. Honestly, I'm not even surprised. This was inevitable the moment I stepped in as a full fledged working CEO of Kim Corp.
It was unanimously decided I would be a much perfect boss than my highly libidinous, senile father.

Fuck old age.

Satisfying carnal pleasures is fine. But letting it be your sole purpose, is nothing less than shameful and pathetic. Not when you have a number of corporations and people to handle.

I'm no different. But I know when to step back when I'm being confronted by an opponent who is most probably threatening to leak a low quality sextape of my father with the wife of one of our board members.

His stupidity caused me a lot. Booze, drugs, freedom.

I'll make him fucking pay for that.

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