11. Vixen

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I slowly open my eyes and sit up on my bed, my head beating a thousand drums per second. I must have drank an insane amount yesterday.

If alcohol was a sure shot respite to my problems, I swear I would have been a full fledged alcoholic by the end of the day. Not to mention, the high end supply of drugs I consume on a weekly basis. I would have yesterday. If it weren't for Joohyun visiting me, I would have inhaled the new stash in my drawers to the point of overdose.

I hate to admit that but I felt relieved when she came to me yesterday.

I scoff.

It's funny when most of the times, I wished for a little break  from all this shit.

From everything.

My father, this company, my addictions, this endless shit scarfing down my life.

A short sweet moment where I wasn't Kim Seokjin but Jin. Just plain, sweet old Jin.

My mind, for a moment, clears suddenly and I shake my head a little. I groan when the action triggers my headache and I massage my temples with my fingers. 

I let out a loud laugh, totally amused by the charade my mind was fucking playing with me.

Sweet old Jin? Seriously?

If anything, this was my element. I was handed this life on a platter. A fucking shiny, gold platter. I didn't hate it. Overwhelmed? Yes. But hate it? Never.

This was me.

Kim Seokjin.

I slip away from my bed covers and head to the bathroom, stretching myself languidly with my bones cracking in their wake.

A relaxing shower was more than welcome. I could feel my head calming down a little under the soft torrent of water.

I get out and dress myself in a comfortable gym wear and make my way to the kitchen.

A few steps out of my room and I hear unceasing, back and forth banter coming from the kitchen where it didn't take a magician to know who those two were.

"...and she was so sexy, I swear I had a seizure when I saw her legs! They were never ending, God. Beautiful is an understatement. I wanted to ask her name but she beat me to it by asking me about the model in my photos."

"She was whipped for Jin."


"Exactly. I mean, I get that he is hot but I'm not that bad either, right?"

"You're cute, Taehyung. Not hot."

"I find that insulting for some reason."

"I smell pancakes." I interfere, absently making my presence known. 

"Good morning!" They greet in unison.

Never. I repeat, never meet them together when you are having a terrible hangover.

"Behave. My head's not in the right place."

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