Chapter Four

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I woke up with a smile on my face. I didn't remember too much of the night before, but my body was aching in the best way. I finally had my alpha. It hadn't exactly been part of my plan, but it still worked out for me. I was going to get the man of my dreams. I probed my neck, frowning when I didn't feel a claiming bite. I shook my head, there was time for that. Knowing Todoroki, he wouldn't claim me without us both being clear headed. He was a gentleman, after all.

A blush rose in my cheeks as I remembered him gently cleaning me up after taking me so roughly. It wasn't his fault that he couldn't control himself that first time. It was all a big blur, but my body practically hummed in satisfaction, so I knew I had enjoyed it. I couldn't wait to do it again when I could remember it. I turned on my side to see Todo, only to find the bed empty. I sat up, frowning.

Todo was a gentleman. He wouldn't just leave me like this. He was my alpha. He wouldn't run out in the middle of the night without a good reason. Maybe he left so my parents wouldn't flip when they got home? That wasn't exactly the way I wanted to tell them anyway. I nodded decisively. I was sure that was it. He would court me properly now and give my parents time to accept our relationship. There was no reason for them to know we'd already slept together.

I smiled, decision made, and got up gingerly. My body protested the movement, but I hurried as fast as I could to shower and wash his scent from my skin. Luckily, my parents must have had a really good night, because they didn't get home till noon. I'd already thoroughly cleaned my room of any evidence that Todoroki had been there and my sheets were in the dryer. I was relaxing on the couch watching tv in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie when they walked in.

My dad was glowing when I saw them and my father was all over him.

"You guys are gross. I'm right here!"

My dad blushed bright red and gave me a sheepish smile.

"Sorry honey, I didn't see you there."

"Obviously. I see you guys had a good time last night."

My father smirked and grabbed my dads ass, squeezing it, and making him jump.


I rolled my eyes, smiling at them. Soon, I'd have that too. Todoroki would be for my what my father was for my dad. I glanced at my phone, checking to see if I had a call or text yet. He must just be busy. Maybe I should text him first? My dad came to sit next to me and hug me. I was glad that I'd decided to shower so thoroughly, because he would have smelled Todo on me this close.

"I'm sorry again about not being able to take you to that movie you wanted to see. I promise I'll make it up to you, honey."

"It's ok. I managed to have a good time in my room last night."

I only felt a little guilty when he ruffled my hair.

"You're a good boy. I'll make your favorite dinner tonight to make it up to you."

I just nodded and he went off to go canoodle with my father, I'm sure. I picked up my phone and tried to text Todoroki, but he didn't respond. It was so strange too. He'd never ignored me before. I shook off my unease and went back to watching tv. I was sure he'd call back. He was just busy.


But he didn't call or text me back that night. Or any of the nights that followed. After a few weeks of no sign of him, I lost hope. I couldn't believe my alpha had done this to me. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Todoroki wasn't like other alphas. He cared about me, I knew he did. Tears pricked my eyes and I curled up on my bed and sobbed. I started refusing to leave my room, refusing to eat. My parents got worried, but they put it down as teenage angst and left me alone.

At least, until I got sick. At that point, my parents were done letting me mope around. I was feeling especially vulnerable after another day without my alpha. I was having a hard time keeping it to myself. I was feeling sorry for myself and was so sick, I didn't want to get out of bed. Which, of course, the moment my dad intervened. He got the story out of me. At least in part. I refused to mention Todoroki, but I did tell him about meeting an alpha and then him ghosting me after getting what he wanted.

My dad hugged me and told me everything would be ok. He was disappointed that I lied about staying in, but it wasn't my fault that an alpha took advantage of me.

"Honey, sometimes, things like this happen. Alphas take advantage of young and vulnerable omegas. You were a victim. But please tell me you used protection."

I blushed and looked away. How embarrassing!

"Well, it was all kind of a blur. So maybe?"

Turns out, I wasn't sick. I was pregnant. Pregnant with my alphas child, and he was nowhere to be found. I didn't realize it was possible to be both ecstatic and depressed at the same time. But it definitely is. My father, of course, was livid. He asked me every day who the bastard who'd taken advantage of me was. But I was taking that secret to my grave. Even if he had abandoned me, I wouldn't betray him.

He was my alpha. It was that simple. Eventually, both my parents got over it and they both helped me set up a nursery. My dad took me to every doctors appointment and my father made sure I ate and took my vitamins. As I got bigger and bigger and closer to giving birth, I began to resent Todoroki. How could he do this to me?! I still refused to tell my parents it was him though. Even if he had abandoned me, I wouldn't turn my parents against him. They loved Todoroki. I wouldn't take that from them.

Finally I got to the point where it didn't hurt so much that he left me. I'd treasure what he left behind. I'd be the best parent I could be and spoil my baby. He'd never want for anything or doubt my love for him. Being a single parent would be hard, but I had the support of my parents. What more could I need?


The night finally came when I my water broke. My parents rushed me to the hospital and my dad held my hand through thirteen hours of hard labor. I silently cursed Todoroki in my head for not being with me. But I never called his name out loud. I still remained loyal to him. Not that it mattered. My son was born, the spitting image of his father. The room was quiet, then all hell broke loose.

"I'm gonna kill that half and half bastard!"

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