Chapter Fifteen

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Sighing, I tossed another shirt onto my bed which was already covered in shirts and pants. I'd been in my room panicking over what to wear on my date and I was almost out of time. Todo would be here any minute. I tugged on my hair in frustration. Why was this so difficult? I picked up a blue pinstriped button up and held it against my body, before tossing it onto the pile with all the other rejects.

Honestly! Why was I worrying about this so much? Todo didn't seem to care what I was wearing, but I wanted ot look nice for him. There was a light knock on my bedroom before it opened and revealed my dad. He peeked in and saw the mess on my bed before smiling gently and coming fully into the room.

"The green paisley button up. It will bring out your eyes."

I smiled at him gratefully, then grabbed the shirt from the pile. I hastily put it on and admired the fit in the mirror. The shirt went nicely with my charcoal slacks and loafers. The fit was nice too. It highlighted my slim build without being too tight. I ran my hands through my hair, trying to tame it. I had my dads curls and they just did what they wanted most of the time.

"Stop fussing, you look wonderful."

"I just.... I want this to work out."

He crossed the room and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. I settled into his embrace with a sigh, feeling a sense of calm settle over me.

"Thank you, dad. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"It's ok to be nervous, honey. This is a big deal for you. Just remember that you don't owe him anything. And if you need us, your father and I are only a call or text away, no matter what time it is. I want you to have a good time."

"I know. But I want to give this a real chance. He made a mistake but, he didn't mean to hurt me. Just.... what if he thinks I'm boring?"

"Oh honey. You are a beautiful, strong, smart, young man. There's no way he'll think you're boring. And if conversation somehow does get boring, there's always sex."

I felt heat rise in my cheeks and covered my face.

"Dad!!! Oh my god! I can't believe you just said that to me."

"What? I might be getting older but I'm not dead. I'm an omega too. I know what it's like to be surrounded by those alpha pheromones and all you can think about is ripping off clothes and having a nice big alpha d-"

"Dad! Please!"

He just shrugged and grinned at me, completely unrepentant. I couldn't believe my dad was talking about sex. I'd never have this conversation with my father.

"By the way, Todoroki is waiting downstairs."

He laughed at my expression as he left the room. I rushed into the bathroom to brush my teeth and give myself a quick once-over. My hair was a bit messy and my face was still flushed from the embarrassing conversation with my dad. But at least my clothes weren't wrinkled. It'd have to do. I didn't want to keep him waiting any longer than I had.

Even though I wanted to rush down the stairs, I forced myself to walk calmly. I took a deep breath to settle my nerves then walked into the living room. I wanted to run back upstairs to change when I saw Todo. That or drag him right upstairs with me. He stood, arms in his pockets, looking like some kind of cover model as he talked to my dad. He was dressed in a dark gray turtleneck that clung to his body under a charcoal blazer that highlighted the breadth of his shoulders.

His slacks matched the blazer to perfection and fit him perfectly. They had to have been tailored just for him. It was almost hard to believe that he was real. And he was all mine. He looked over at me and gave me a predatory once-over, making me feel naked.

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