Chapter Twenty-Eight

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It was strange to hear the authority in an omegas voice and still feel the need to obey. I hadn't really questioned it as a child, but even as an adult I wanted to listen to Izuku. I nodded and told him what had happened. I told him about meeting with Toga, and what she'd told me, then about going home and not finding Nikko.

"Wait, why wasn't Shoyo with him?"

"I'm getting to that."

I told him about wanting to go on a date but knowing they would be unavailable so we'd called Yuno. None of us had known Yuno was working for my father. After I was done explaining what had occurred, they both stared at me, frowning.

"I can't believe Yuno was working for your father this whole time. I had no idea. I'm normally an excellent judge of character."

Bakugou put his hand on Izukus shoulder and looked down at him.

"It's not your fault, Izu. That fucker fooled me too. I actually thought he was good for Nikko."

As touching as watching the tender moment between them was, I was impatient to figure out a way to help my omega. I couldn't allow anything to happen to him.

"How are we going to help Nikko? From what Toga said, they're just using him as a pawn to get to you. So what are we going to do?"

Bakugou frowned and folded his arms across his chest. Izuku looked up at him and they seemed to have a silent conversation, before Izuku turned to look at me.

"We'll do whatever we have to in order to get back Nikko and Shoyo."

Bakugou nodded and I got up to pace. What was the best course of action here? Did I just break into my dads house hoping he was there? Izuku clapped his hands to get my attention.

"So, lets think about this rationally. We know your father has something to do with this. So it's likely he will know where they are. But since Yuno was the one who actually took them, can you run a trace on his phone Kacchan?"

Bakugou shook his head and let out a sigh.

"It's not that simple. We'd need probable cause. Nikko hasn't even been missing for a full day, and wouldn't technically be considered missing since halfie hasn't reported it yet."

I looked at him in surprise. I hadn't really thought to do that. My first concern had been to let them know.

"But he's your son! Can't you just skip that step?"

"That's not how that works! Just because I'm a detective doesn't mean I can bend the rules to suit me. I wish I could."

I glared at him, getting angry. That was his son! And he was in danger! He should be doing everything he could to get him back.

"Fine! Then if you're not going to be helpful, I'll just do this by myself. I can't believe your job is more important than your family."

When Bakugou started to rush towards me, Izuku grabbed his arm. I clenched my fists and glared at him as his caramel scent and my peppermint scent spread around the room. Izuku put a hand over his nose and smacked Bakugou in the stomach.

"Both of you stop it! I swear you alphas are too hot headed. Sit down and shut up Todo. You too Kacchan!"

He glared at us until we both sat. I guess omegas could be pretty scary when they wanted to be. We glared at each other across the room.

"Now, we are going to think about this logically. Nikko would never forgive us if we let you run off and confront your father and died. Likewise, he'd be upset if either of you ended up in jail. So, we need to figure this out the legal way. So fucking chill! Nikko isn't completely defenseless. We did raise him after all."

"But he's an ome-"

"It's so important to your continued well being that you don't finish that sentence, Todo."

"I... yes, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"I would hope not, because if you did, you wouldn't deserve Nikko and I'd have to put an end to your relationship. Now, as I was saying, Nikko is resourceful. Remember the strategy games we had him play Kacchan? We prepared him for situations like this."

Bakugou nodded, still glaring at me. I couldn't tell if it was for the comment I'd just made or if he was still mad that I'd gotten Nikko and Shoyo kidnapped.

"That's true. We prepared all of the children for stuff like this. And yes, as an omega, Nikko couldn't fist fight an alpha, but he's resourceful. He's smart and because he's an omega, he'll be underestimated. Plus, they took Shoyo. There's nothing more dangerous than an omega protecting their offspring."

My phone pinged and I looked down at it. It was a ping from an unknown number. I studied the address closely and realized it was one of my fathers addresses.

"I just got a ping location from one of my fathers' houses. But I don't recognize the number."

Izuku took the phone from me and looked at it then showed it to Bakugou. I frowned when Bakugou smirked.

"Now that, is probable cause. It's Yuno's number. Call it. I'll radio for back up on the way."

I took the phone back and rushed for the car. I'm on my way Nikko! Bakugou and Izuku got in their car and followed me as I drove to the address. When I was almost there, I remembered to call. There was no answer, so I tossed my phone into the seat. Please be ok. When we were a block away, I stopped and got out of the car. His parents parked behind me and got out, looking at me questioningly. I pointed to the correct house.

"It's that one, but I don't want to drive up in case they are watching. I have no idea who might be here. From what I remember, this house wasn't used for much besides holding merchandise. But better safe than sorry. The backyard it fenced and that's the best approach. They wont see us till we're already inside."

"Or, I have a better idea. We go through the front door. I have a badge, remember? Backup is on the way."

I shook my head. I couldn't chance something happening to them.

"Fine. You go through the front door. Maybe it will distract them. Izuku and I can go through the back."

He nodded and pulled Izuku into his arms and kissed him like it might be the last time. He gently stroked his cheek the kissed his forehead.

"Be safe."

Izuku nodded with tears in his eyes. Shit. My heart squeezed. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if something happened to either of them. This was all my fault. Bakugou made his way to the front of the house while Izuku and I went to the back. We both jumped the fence, and slowly made our way across the yard. When we got to the back door, we heard Bakugou yelling out front. Then I heard a scream that shattered my heart.


No! I rushed the door hearing the hinges snap and feeling something pop in my shoulder. I ignored the pain and rushed straight for the sound of my son's screams. When I rounded the corner I saw Nikko struggling with someone. There was a knife next to his body as he struggled against his bigger assailant. When the guys fist swung and cracked against his face I saw red. Nikko went limp and I was across the room, throwing the guy into the wall.

I heard a gunshot but ignored it when I heard Bakugous voice in the room. I pummeled the guy who had dared to hurt my omega. I didn't realize he'd stopped moving until a hand touched my shoulder. I swung around but was blocked by Bakugou. I stood, breathing heavily and nodded my thanks, before rushing to my omega. He was slowly sitting up with Izuku's help. I dropped to my knees beside them and pulled him into my arms.

"I knew you'd come for me."


Nikko nuzzled into my chest crying, and Shoyo tucked himself against us. I did my best to soothe them, hugging them to me. Izuku rubbed Shoyos back, tears in his eyes. I looked up at the sound of a shoe scrapping the floor and saw Yuno leaning around the corner, gun in hand.

"Look out!"

Bakugou turned and raised his own gun and there was a double tap as both of them fired. I saw Yuno go down and breathed a sigh of relief. Until Bakugou stumbled and went down, blood spreading across his chest.


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