Chapter Twenty-Three

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Pregnant? I looked at Shoto and smiled, placing a hand on my stomach. I wanted to leap into his arms, but I couldn't, since he was holding Shoyo. My dad hugged me again and I couldn't stop the happy tears from filling my eyes.

"I'm so happy. Shoyo will be such a good big brother."

But just because I was happy about didn't mean that everyone else was. My dad was obviously thrilled about the pregnancy, but I wasn't sure how everyone else would feel. I looked at my father who hadn't said anything yet, and was relieved to find a small smile on his face.

"I'm not congratulating you for sleeping together. But, I will say that at least you make cute kids."

I smiled and rolled my eyes. At least he wasn't upset about it. He was slowly starting to like Shoto again, even if he seemed to enjoy giving him a hard time. It was probably an alpha thing I didn't understand.

Yuno stood up and came over to hug me, making my alpha glare at him. I rolled my eyes. His jealousy was so silly. I'd already picked him and Yuno was just a friend. He never tried anything and was always respectful. He truly was just a great friend and I was happy to have him in my life.

"Congratulations Nikko. I'm happy for you. You're such a great mom."

"Thank you."

When he sat back down, my sister Avalyn got up to hug me as well. Being a beta, she was only a little taller than I was. She was the perfect mix of my parents, with a betas even temperament. It was really surprising that she wasn't married by now.

"I'm happy for you little brother. This time should be much easier since your alpha decided to stick around."

She blushed bright red then looked over at Shoto, guilt written all over her face.

"I didn't mean anything by that, though. They told me what happened. And I understand. I just meant, it would be easier. Because omegas have a difficult time without their alphas. I wasn't trying to be mean, I swear. It was just an observation. I really should think before I speak. Its a bad habit and I-"


"Sorry. Shutting up. So yeah, I'm happy for you. I'm going to sit down now."

Avalyn reminded me so much of dad with her mannerisms. She was just so sweet.

"Thank you sis."

"Well, congrats, little bro. I'm not gonna hug you cuz, I'm me. And don't ask me to babysit, like ever. Shoyo is cute and I'm sure this one will be too, but I'm just not into kids."

I nodded to Harmoni. Her response didn't surprise me much. She'd never been mean about Shoyo, but she never wanted to be alone with him either. It had honestly surprised me when she'd taken him to the backyard to play the other day. Although, I guess, no one said no when dad asked them to do something. So that's probably what that was.

My dad went back to his seat and I sat back down next to Shoto and leaned against him. He kissed the top of my head and I snuggled against him with a happy sigh. I was right where I wanted to be. So, of course, that meant Mitsu had to try and ruin my good mood. She stood up and slammed her hands down on the table, resentment on her face.

"And everyone is just ok with this? You believe him when he gives some bullshit excuse about why he had to leave. But if that was the truth then he's putting everyone in danger right now! How is everyone ok with this?"

My father frowned at her and crossed his arms.

"Sit down, Mitsu. I'm not worried about his fucking dad. Let him try something."

"That's so arrogant! If he's a serious threat then Todoroki needs to leave."

Shoto placed our son in my lap and stood. He leaned over the table to glare at her as the room quickly filled with peppermint.

"I'm not leaving again. If my father comes after us, then I'll take care of it. I have a plan."

He quickly glanced at my parents.

"Without doing anything illegal, of course."

My father smirked at him and uncrossed his arms.

"See that you don't. I can't have a criminal as a son-in-law."

I smiled at him. I knew he liked him if he was willing to joke about something like that. My father took the law very seriously.

"When he gets someone killed with some hairbrained scheme that took him three years to come up with, don't come crying to me."

Shoto growled and I grabbed his arm to stop him from physically going after her.

"Get the fuck out of my house! You're not welcome here anymore!"

Mitsu got up and stormed away from the table.


"I'm on it."

He got up and ruffled my hair on his way pass me.

"Thanks for dinner Nikko. It was delicious. Make sure Izu saves some dessert for me."

He kissed my dad then left after Mitsu. My dad sighed, shaking his head.

"I'm sorry about that, honey. Mitsu is having a hard time right now. Still, she shouldn't lash out at you like that. We'll talk to her."

"I'd say it's ok, but its really not. But that's not your fault dad. Mitsu is an adult. She makes her own choices."

"I know that, I just feel responsible since I raised her. Obviously I went wrong somewhere."

"Dad, stop. You're an amazing parent. It's not your fault she's acting like that. Harmoni is an alpha too and she doesn't act like that. It's not your fault."

He smiled at me as my siblings nodded in agreement. I don't think anyone could ask for a better parent. My dad was fun, kind, patient, and understanding without being a pushover. He was very firm when it came to rules growing up and had no issue punishing us when we broke a rule. He put his hands together and smiled.

"So, about dessert?"

I laughed and put Shoyo back in his high chair. Shoto gently pushed me back down as I tried to get up.

"I'll get it. You're the one carrying a baby. The least I can do is get dessert."

"I'm not even showing yet. I'm still allowed to move."

"Shut up and let me take care of you. Its my job as your alpha."

I rolled my eyes at him and shook my head. I hoped he didn't think I'd just sit around and do nothing all day. If he did, he was in for a rude awakening. But I'd let him pamper me for a little bit if it made him happy. Shoyo tapped my arm and I looked at him, smiling.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"Where baby? I no see it."

"Oh, silly boy. You can't see the baby yet. It's going to grow in mommy's belly."

He frowned at me for a while then nodded slowly. I ruffled his hair as Shoto served dessert. We all dug into the delicious chocolate dessert, making happy noises as we ate.


"Yes, sweetie?"

"How baby in you belly? Did you eat it? Is baby hurt?"

I felt myself flush. How young was too young to explain? I could feel myself start to panic. I looked at Shoto and that jerk just shook his head, trying not to laugh.

"Yes, do tell. How did a baby get in your belly?"

Yuno laughed with my dad as I glared at them.

"Eat your dessert, sweetie. I'll explain when you're older. A lot older."

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