Chapter Fourteen

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I jerked up at the sound of a door slamming against the wall. The fuck?! Nikko jerked up next to me, scent spiking in fear. Well shit! I must have fallen asleep. I definitely hadn't meant to do that. I had no interest in another fight with Bakugou.

"It's not what it looks like!"

I looked over to see Bakugou glaring at me, with Shoyo peeking at us with wide eyes. The heavy sugar scent of caramel began to flood the room. Nikko leaned back against me, seeking comfort from the raging alpha pheromones his father was throwing out. I pulled him back against my chest, trying to soothe him and was momentarily confused when his bare back pressed against my chest.

Oh. He must have taken off his shirt sometime during the night. With the blanket pooled around our waists and both of us shirtless, I'll admit it looked worse than it was. Bakugou obviously thought something had happened last night.

"You have two seconds to explain why you're in my sons bed before I come over there and beat the shit out of you."

Those crimson eyes were full of rage and a vein throbbed in his forehead. I didn't blame him for being pissed, but he really needed to back off.

"I'd like to see you try."

Chalk it up to me being an alpha and not liking my omega being scared. Whatever it was, that was probably the stupidest thing I could have said. I barely had time to roll out of the bed before he was across the room. I held up my hands in surrender and tried to calm him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. Listen, nothing happened last night. And even if it had, Nikko is an adult now. He can make his own decisions."

Bakugou stood on the other side of the bed and continued to glare at me with his arms crossed.

"I can't say what I want to say, because I know there are young ears listening. But I will say that I better not catch you in my sons room again until you've proven to me that you deserve the second chance he's willing to give you."

I couldn't even be mad. I hoped I could be even one tenth of the father that he was. Bakugou turned and picked up Shoyo, before looking back at us.

"I expect both of you dressed and downstairs in the next five minutes. I'll come be back to check on you if it takes you longer than that."

I nodded and watched him leave with one last glare thrown in my direction. When I turned to Nikko, he was beaming at me. I frowned, not understanding why he'd look so happy after that.

"He approves of you."

"What?! Did we just experience the same situation? Where did you get his approval out of anything that just happened?"

"Well, for one, no one but my dad ever stands up to my father. He can be kind of intimidating, so you earned his respect when you did that. But you also showed you understood you were in the wrong. And finally, he backed down. He didn't try to kill you. That's how I know he approves of you. It probably helps that he remembers you as a child."

I looked at him skeptically. I think the only reason he didn't try to murder me was because Shoyo was watching. Because the first day I came over here he certainly had no issue trying pummel my face in. Nikko just smiled at me and crawled across the bed. He rose up on his knees and wrapped his arms around my neck. My hands went to his hips in reflex.

"Shouldn't we be getting dressed? I don't want your father coming back up here and finding us in another compromising position."

"We will. But first you're going to kiss me good morning."

"Oh, I am, am I?"


I smirked at him and tightened my grip on his hips. I rubbed my thumb over his hipbone and leaned down to kiss his forehead. I loved this playful side of him. I didn't realize how much I'd missed it. He gave me a pouty look.

"That's not what I meant and you know it!"

"What will you give me if I give you a kiss?"

He looked up at me through his lashes and gave me a shy smile, a blush staining his cheeks.

"I'll let you take me on a date."

I wasn't going to complain about that. It was exactly what I wanted, after all. For him to forgive me and give me another chance. This time, I would do it properly. I tilted up his chin and gave him a gentle kiss. At least that's what I intended. But as always happened with Nikko, I lost myself to him.

His lips parted beneath mine and I thrust my tongue into his mouth to claim it. He moaned into my mouth as I lowered him down to the bed. I couldn't get enough of his taste or scent. I was surrounded by the smell of cherry blossoms and groaned as he parted his thighs. My hips rested in the cradle of his thighs and his hands were buried in my hair.

"Nikko.... we should stop."

Instead of responding, he wrapped his legs around my hips and arched up against me. I forgot why we should stop and where we were. I was quickly reminded when the scent of caramel became overwhelming.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I can't leave you alone for five minutes. I asked you to get dressed not to practice making siblings for Shoyo."

"I think we've proved we don't need practice for that."

I'm relatively sure he meant to whisper that, but from the look on Bakugous face, he heard him.

"I think he heard you baby."

Nikko buried his face in my neck, blushing a vibrant red.

"Can we just pretend that we never had this conversation?"

"Yeah... I..... yeah. Just get dressed and come downstairs for breakfast. If it takes too long, I'm sending Shoyo. So keep that in mind."

He hurried out of the room, a faint blush on his cheeks. I started laughing and rolled off of Nikko.

"I think you scarred your father for life."

"I didn't mean to. God! How embarrassing! We got carried away again."

"It happens any time I touch you. I can't help myself."

He beamed at me so I gave him a quick kiss before getting up and looking for my shirt. I put it back on and turned to face him. He was watching me, laying on his stomach, cheek resting on his hand.

"I prefer watching you take clothes off, but I guess watching you put them on is nice too."

I shook my head at him and chucked a shirt at him, making him laugh.

"You're incorrigible. Get dressed."

He smirked and put a shirt on, then we went downstairs hand in hand to have breakfast with his family. Everything seemed to be working out and I admit to being thrilled. I was going to get exactly what I'd been dreaming about for the past three years. I was going to have my family.

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