Chapter Eight

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I lasted two days. Two miserable days, missing my omega and wanting to get to know my son. It took me that long to realize I couldn't wait for him to contact me. I'd never given him my number or told him where I lived. I reasoned to myself that it was better this way though. I could also formally apologize to the Bakugous after I talked to him. Kill two birds with one stone so to speak.

That decided, I took a quick shower and got dressed with care. I wanted to look nice for Nikko. I gave myself a once over in the mirror. Snug black jeans and a grey turtle neck fit my frame perfectly. I'd gained about fifty pounds of muscle in the three years I'd been gone, and I knew I looked good. I'd had plenty of omegas and betas tell me so. Hopefully my omega agreed. I flipped my hair over my scar and I was ready to go.

I drove to the house I'd spent the majority of my younger years in, trying to calm my nerves. When I got there, I sat in my car for a few minutes trying to gather my thoughts. I could do this. I wanted Nikko in my life and I wanted to know my son. I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out, then got out of the car. I slowly made my way to the house and knocked on the door. I hadn't really thought this part through, I'd just been excited to see my omega. If I had planned this out, I would have waited for Nikko to be home alone. The door was pulled open and I was met with a pair of murderous red eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!"

I didn't even have time to respond before I was on my back trying to protect me face. It didn't matter how much I respected Bakugou, or how much I knew I deserved his anger. The alpha in me wouldn't let me just take his blows. And soon enough, we were rolling around, trading punches on the front lawn. The air was rife with the scent of peppermint and cinnamon. There were screams which we both ignored as we tried to beat each other senseless.


I froze instantly at the sound of distress in my omegas voice. I glanced towards the house, eyes connecting with Nikkos worried ones. And that's when Bakugous fist hit my nose like a sledgehammer. The cartilage crunched and blood sprayed from my nose, making my eyes water.


"Katsuki Bakugou! If you hit that boy again, you're sleeping on the couch!"

He released me instantly, grumbling, and stomped towards the house.

"But Izu, he-"





"I said NO, Katsuki Bakugou!"


He threw up his hands and stomped into the house. I looked at Izuku, holding my hand to my nose.

"Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet. I only stopped him because I didn't want to deal with the body. As far as I'm concerned, you deserve a lot more than the bloody nose."

He turned and walked into the house leaving me on the lawn. Nikko stood, biting his lip and looking at me in concern. Then he rushed towards me and gently moved my hand.

"I think you'll need to ice it. It looks broken. Are you ok?"

"I am now."

He blushed and looked down then dropped his hands from my face. My hand rose to gently brush his cheek and he leaned into my touch, letting out a sigh.

"Will you please let me explain, Nikko?"

He nodded and let me hold his hand as we walked into the house together. My heart already felt lighter, just from this small touch. Some part of him must still care about me. I felt a smile pull at my lips as he lead me into the familiar living room. Izuku sat on Bakugous lap in the green armchair, idly stroking his arm. Bakugou glared daggers at me as soon as I walked into the room and growled when his gaze narrowed on our intertwined hands.

I didn't blame him for his anger towards me. I'd be just as angry if I were in his place. I sat on the couch adjacent to them and Nikko let go of my hand to get me a bag of ice for my nose. When he came back, he gently placed it against my face, grimacing. I glanced over at Nikkos parents and addressed them first.

"I'd like a chance to explain what happened that night and where I've been."

"I know exactly what happened that night. You took advantage of my son and then abandoned him because you felt guilty."

"Kacchan! Let him explain."

Nikkos scent soured at his fathers words. I gently took his hand and rubbed his knuckles. I couldn't stand the thought that I'd hurt my omega so badly. By trying to keep him safe, I'd caused him pain.

"I never meant to hurt you. That night was a mistake."

Bakugou growled and looked like he was going to get out of the chair and tackle me and Izuku barely held him back as he glared at me. Nikko let out a pained gasp and tried to jerk his hand away. I held fast and brought his hand to my lips to kiss it.

"That night was a mistake, but not in the way you're thinking. I should have courted you properly. But your heat hit and I lost my senses. When I realized what happened, I should have stayed so we could talk about it, but I had to make sure you were safe before we could plan a future together."

"What do you mean, safe?"

I sighed and looked over at Bakugou. He would at least have some idea of what I meant once I explained.

"Everyone thinks my father is just a businessman. But in reality he's a crook. Your father has been trying to put him away for years."

Bakugou nods to confirm what I'm saying, then frowns and looks at me questioningly.

"What does your father have to do with any of this."

"Well I used to help him. Mostly just petty crimes when I was younger. If I didn't, then he would beat me. As I got older, I helped him with covering up evidence of his crimes. The day Nikko went into heat, my father asked for my help with something different. He wanted me to kill you. He said you were too close to putting him away."

Izuku and Nikko gasped in horror but Bakugou stared at me unflinchingly. He probably already knew my father hated him and wanted him dead.

"I couldn't do it. But after being with Nikko, I knew I had to confront my father so he wouldn't keep coming after me. So that same night, I went to confront him. My father and I have never gotten along, but once I was an adult he never laid a hand on me. I had no reason to believe that would change. But when I confronted him, he tried to kill me. If the bullet had been even a millimeter in either direction, I would be dead and we wouldn't be having this conversation."

Nikko let out a sob and clutched my arm. I ignored his parents and gathered him into my arms, sending out soothing pheromones. I rubbed his back, calming him down. My poor omega. This was a lot to take in.

"I'm so sorry Nikko. I never meant to leave you for so long. Do you think you could ever forgive me?"

He pulled away from me, searching my eyes for long moments, before looking away.

"I don't know."

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