Chapter Twenty

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I loved having Nikko with me. After a few weeks of living together, I couldn't have been happier. Waking up to him in the morning was the best feeling in the world. I loved opening my eyes and him being the first thing I saw. It was the perfect way to start my day.

Getting to hear Shoyo's laugh, being the cause of it, was amazing. It made me happy to hear him enjoy the life I was giving him. I was lucky to have them both in my life. I couldn't imagine going back to the way my life had been before.

Obviously it wasn't all sunshine and daisies twenty four seven. We'd had a few fights, nothing major, and there were a few things he did that drove me up the wall. Every time I came home and found that Yuno bastard sitting on my couch, eating my food, I wanted to break something. But I also knew, that Yuno was Nikko's only friend and I wouldn't try to take that from him. Didn't mean I had to like it though. I'd come to tolerate his presence for the sake of my omega's happiness.

When I pulled into the driveway and noticed Yuno's car, yet again in my spot, I had take a deep breath to calm myself. I reminded myself that Nikko had picked me over him, and that he never acted like anything other than a friend. But until I claimed him, I would always be uneasy when another alpha was around him. I let out a slow breath, then got out of my car and went into the house.

The sight that greeted me nearly had me flying into a rage. Yuno had his hand on my omegas chin with his head tilted up towards him while they sat on the couch. They were so close, if either moved the slightest bit, they would be kissing.

"Am I interrupting something?"

I was proud of the evenness in my voice and the fact that I was able to keep my pheromones to myself. Even if it looked a little suspicious, I was sure Nikko wasn't really having an affair with Yuno. Nikko pulled away slowly and turned to look at me, smiling. He had a small cut beneath his eye and my anger was immediately replaced with concern.

"Oh, hi baby. I had a little bit of an accident. Yuno was just checking it out for me."

"What happened?"

"I was trying to get the pitcher down from the cupboard above the fridge and ended up knocking a few things off the top of the fridge. My eye is a bit tender but I just have this small cut. I don't need stiches though."

Yuno moved out of my way as I gently tilted Nikkos chin to examine the cut on his face. He was right. It was just a small cut, but it could have been much worse.

"Next time, ask for help. I'll get you a stool for when you're by yourself, but if someone else is here, ask for help. Shit for brains is always here, you could have asked him for help."

"Shoto! That's not very nice."

I shrugged. Its not like I cared about the stupid alpha. There was no reason for him to be in my home so much. Nikko rolled his eyes and leaned up to kiss my cheek. I kept my eyes glued to Yuno, searching for any hint of jealousy, but I didn't find any. Well, he was a bigger man than I was, if he truly felt nothing. There's no way I could go back to just being a friend to Nikko. Yuno got up and headed towards the door.

"See you this weekend."

Nikko nodded absently at him and wrapped his arms around my neck. I lifted him over the back of the couch and carried him into the kitchen. I set him down at the table then went to grab the first aid kit. I gently dabbed peroxide on his cut, making him wince.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart."

"It's ok. Just stings a little. And I'm sorry that when you walked in I was in a sort of compromising looking situation."

I sighed and kissed the top of his head. I needed to get over this jealously. Nikko was mine. Or, at least he would be as soon as I claimed him. And I was doing that on his next heat. He was going to bear my mark for everyone to see.

"It's ok. I know you weren't doing anything wrong. It just took a minute for my mind to catch up to what my heart already knew."

He blushed and looked down at the table. I took his hand and brought it to my mouth to kiss his knuckles.

"You say the sweetest things to me, Shoto."

I smirked at him, but before I could say anything else, Shoyo came running into the kitchen. He nearly fell when he stumbled to a stop, having just noticed me.


I opened my arms and he ran to me and hugged me. This really was the best feeling in the world. Nothing could compare to a childs love. I kissed the top of his head and rubbed his back.

"Did you have a good day, today?"

"Yes! Mama and I play and do abc's. Then Yuno-san come. And we play blocks. Then naps. Where Yuno?"

"I'm glad you had such a good day. And Yuno went home."

"Oh. Okay. I hungee."

Nikko smiled and stood. He ruffled our sons hair before going to the fridge and opening the door.

"Looks like I need to go grocery shopping. How about we order pizza tonight?"


Shoyo squirmed until I put him down and ran to go play with his toys. I smiled, watching him. I couldn't imagine my life without them anymore. I hadn't even realized how lonely I was before they were part of my life.

"Pizza sounds good."

Nikko smiled then picked up the phone and ordered pizza. While we waited, we went into the living room and turned on the tv. It had only been on for a few minutes when Nikko turned to me.

"My heat is next week."

It took everything I had, in order to act casually to that statement. What I wanted to do was beat my chest and scream about how he would be mine. I'd finally get to claim him.

"Yeah? Are you still ok with me claiming you?"

"That's actually something I wanted to talk to you about."

For a minute I felt my heart freeze. He hadn't changed his mind so quickly, had he?

"What about it?"

"I do want you to claim me. More than anything. I was just wondering.... if maybe.... well....."

Whatever he wanted to talk about was weighing heavily on him. I could tell by how he was struggling to speak.

"What is it sweetheart? You can tell me anything."

"I want another baby."

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