Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Yuno was out of his mind. How had I never realized he was crazy? Was it because I had been so vulnerable at the time? Were my instincts really that easy to fool? I shook my head and started pacing. I couldn't think about that right now. There were more important things to think about. Like how I was getting out of this and how I would find my son.

I wasn't sure how long he was going to leave me alone. He left not long after telling me his dad was freaking Mineta of all people. I had to be prepared when he came back. He had underestimated me. Just because I was an omega didn't mean I was defenseless. It's like he'd forgotten who my parents were. They taught each of us how to defend ourselves and from the time we were young, we were taught how to get out of all types of situations.

As an omega, I'd received more training than my siblings. My dad taught me to use being an omega to my benefit. He told me that I would often be underestimated in situations just because most people thought omegas were weak. He taught me patience and to analyze my situation and use logic to get out of it. My father taught me how to fight and resist pheromones. As an omega, I couldn't completely ignore an alphas pheromones, but I had a small immunity to them. I had a small window of time were I could still function. I'd have to use that to my advantage.

First things first, I needed to get out of the room. I knew Yuno had locked it when he left, but it hadn't been locked when he'd entered the room. So, if I was prepared, and I could surprise him, that would be my chance. I didn't know if they had cameras wherever this was, but I had to take the chance. I had to get out of here with my son.

I analyzed the room for weapons. The bucket wouldn't work. It was too light. I eyed the bed with its metal frame, but I knew I wasn't strong enough to break off one of the bars. I could attempt to rip the sheet, but Yuno was taller and stronger than I was, so any attempt at strangling him was out of the question. I eyed the lone chair and table in the room. I walked around and gazed at it from every angle. I walked over and touched one of the chair legs. It was solid. If I could take one of the legs off, I could surprise him, and maybe that would be enough.

I sighed and looked around the room one more time. If this didn't work, I could end up dead. I had to be sure. I peeked beneath the bed and was surprised to see that while part of the bed frame was metal, the box spring underneath was made out of wood. I'd easily be able to remove one of the slats. I dragged the mattress of the bed, huffing and puffing. Why were these things so heavy?

I eyed the slats and chose the one I thought looked the weakest, then started trying to break it off. It only took three kicks before it snapped and I had to catch myself against the wall so I didn't fall over. Breaking the slat hadn't seemed too hard, but my ankle was throbbing. I picked up my prize and set it next to the bed while I struggled to get the mattress back into place. Once that was done, I took the piece of wood and sat next to the door against the wall, trying to calm my breathing.

Closing my eyes, I slowed my breaths and started counting. I didn't know if it was because I was pregnant or if it was from the drugs, but I was incredibly tired. I wanted nothing more than to just lay down. But I couldn't. I had to stay alert. So I waited behind the door, with my eyes closed, trying to save my strength.

I wasn't sure how long I waited, when I heard steps in the hall. This was it. I stood silently and gripped the slat of wood tight. My heart pounded fast in my chest and I couldn't deny that I was afraid. The sound of the lock being released preceded the opening of the door.


I stepped from behind the door and swung as hard as I could. Without meaning to, I'd closed my eyes, but I heard a crunch and a grunt of pain. I opened my eyes and saw Yuno fall to his knees, gripping his nose. I hoped I'd broken it. I swung again and must have hit him in the perfect spot, because he went down like a ton of bricks. Nausea built in my stomach and I had to take deep breaths. Violence wasn't something I had a lot of experience with, and I knew I'd probably have nightmares later, but I didn't have time to dwell on it.

Taking another deep breath, I checked his pulse. Thank god he wasn't dead. I knew he was a criminal and he'd technically kidnapped me and my son, but he hadn't hurt us and I didn't know if I would have forgiven myself if I'd killed him. I checked his pockets for a key and was pleasantly surprised to find his phone and the key. I peered into the hallway, and when I didn't see anyone, I walked out and closed and locked the door behind me. I didn't want to chance talking, because I didn't know who else might be around, so I sent Shoto a text with a ping for my location.

I'd let them know what I learned when I had more time. Right now, I had to find Shoyo. I snuck down the hallway, listening intently. When I got to the end of the hallway, I peeked around the corner. Was Yuno the only one here? Cautiously, I kept going, looking for signs of my son. I passed a few doors, but didn't try to open them. I didn't hear any sounds coming from them, but I didn't want to be stupid and find myself in a worse situation.

Finally, I came to the end of the hall where there were stairs that led up to another closed door. Did I want to go up? I glanced behind me. Still no noise so I had to keep going. I went up the stairs and tried the knob. It opened and I could hear the faint sound of talking coming from the right. I froze in place and tried to make out what they were saying.

"Little brat keeps crying for his mama. Fuck what Yuno says, we should give that whiny little brat a reason to cry."

I swallowed my anger and slowly squeezed through the door. Whoever was talking wasn't in the room which turned out to be a kitchen. Had I been in a basement or was the house just set up really weird? Cautiously, I walked over to the knife block and grabbed a knife. I really hoped I wouldn't have to use it, but I would if I had to. No one was going to hurt my son. I didn't want to confront anyone so soon, especially not more than one person, so I went in the opposite direction that I'd heard the voices.

As luck would have it, my son was in the next room. In a goddamn cage! I wanted to turn around and go find the owners of those voices. How dare they!? Who would do such a thing to such a precious angel? Now I wished I had killed Yuno. I walked over to the dog cage and used the knife I had to cut the zip ties keeping it closed. I placed my hand over Shoyo's mouth and he jerked awake, but when he saw me, relief filled his eyes. I placed a finger to my lips and he nodded and let me pull him from the cage.

His little arms wrapped around my neck tightly, and tears filled my eyes. My poor baby. I'd never let him out of my sight again. The phone in my pocket went off just then. Shit! Why hadn't I put the stupid thing on silent?

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